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Waiver Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in National Labor Relations Board.
Tags: Waiver, NLRB-4483, Official Federal Forms National Labor Relations Board,
FORM NLRB-4483 (3-12) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD WAIVER CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: Under existing NLRB practice, an election is not ordinarily scheduled for a date earlier than 10 days after the date when the Employer must file the eligibility list with the Regional Office. In order to proceed to an election in this case at an earlier date, the undersigned party waives having the eligibility list for the full 10 days and waives its right to file objections to the election based on the fact that it did not have the eligibility list for the full 10 days. This waiver is contingent upon the party signing below having the eligibility list for at least _________ (insert number of days) days before the start of the election. This waiver is effective only if all the parties who will receive a copy of the eligibility list agree to the terms of this waiver. NAME OF PETITIONER, UNION OR INTERVENOR: SIGNATURE DATE American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com