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SEC 1707 (07-17) File 1 of 4 OMB APPROVAL OMB Number: 3235-0049 Expires: August 31, 2020 Estimated average burden hours per response 23.77 FORM ADV (Paper Version) UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR INVESTMENT ADVISER REGISTRATION AND REPORT FORM BY EXEMPT REPORTING ADVISERS Form ADV: General Instructions Read these instructions carefully before filing Form ADV. Failure to follow these instructions, properly complete the form, or pay all required fees may result in your application or report being delayed or rejected. In these instructions and in Form ADV, 223you224 means the investment adviser (i.e., the advisory firm). If you are a 223separately identifiable department or division224 (SID) of a bank, 223you224 means the SID, rather than your bank, unless the instructions or the form provide otherwise. If you are a private fund adviser filing an umbrella registration, 223you224 means the filing adviser and each relying adviser, unless the instructions or the form provide otherwise. The information in Items 1, 2, 3 and 10 (including corresponding schedules) should be provided for the filing adviser only. Terms that appear in italics are defined in the Glossary of Terms to Form ADV. 1.Where can I get more information on Form ADV, electronic filing, and the IARD? The SEC provides information about its rules and the Advisers Act on its website: NASAA provides information about state investment adviser laws and state rules, and how to contact a state securities authority, on its website: FINRA provides information about the IARD and electronic filing on the IARD website: 2.What is Form ADV used for? Investment advisers use Form ADV to: Register with the Securities and Exchange CommissionRegister with one or more state securities authoritiesAmend those registrations; Report to the SEC as an exempt reporting adviserReport to one or more state securities authorities as an exempt reporting adviserAmend those reports; and American LegalNet, Inc. 2 Submit a final report as an exempt reporting adviser 3. How is Form ADV organized? Form ADV contains four parts: Part 1A asks a number of questions about you, your business practices, the persons who own and control you, and the persons who provide investment advice on your behalf. o All advisers registering with the SEC or any of the state securities authorities must complete Part 1A. o Exempt reporting advisers (that are not also registering with any state securities authority) must complete only the following Items of Part 1A: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11, as well as corresponding schedules. Exempt reporting advisers that are registering with any state securities authority must complete all of Form ADV. Part 1A also contains several supplemental schedules. The items of Part 1A let you know which schedules you must complete. o Schedule A asks for information about your direct owners and executive officers. o Schedule B asks for information about your indirect owners. o Schedule C is used by paper filers to update the information required by Schedules A and B (see Instruction 18). o Schedule D asks for additional information for certain items in Part 1A. o Schedule R asks for additional information about relying advisers. o Disclosure Reporting Pages (or DRPs) are schedules that ask for details about disciplinary events involving you or your advisory affiliates. Part 1B asks additional questions required by state securities authorities. Part 1B contains three additional DRPs. If you are applying for SEC registration or are registered only with the SEC, you do not have to complete Part 1B. (If you are filing electronically and you do not have to complete Part 1B, you will not see Part 1B). Part 2A requires advisers to create narrative brochures containing information about the advisory firm. The requirements in Part 2A apply to all investment advisers registered with or applying for registration with the SEC, but do not apply to exempt reporting advisers. Every application for registration must include a narrative brochure prepared in accordance with the requirements of Part 2A of Form ADV. See Advisers Act Rule 203-1. Part 2B requires advisers to create brochure supplements containing information about certain supervised persons. The requirements in Part 2B apply to all investment advisers registered with or applying for registration with the SEC, but do not apply to exempt reporting advisers. 4. When am I required to update my Form ADV? American LegalNet, Inc. 3 SEC- and State-Registered Advisers: o Annual updating amendments: You must amend your Form ADV each year by filing an annual updating amendment within 90 days after the end of your fiscal year. When you submit your annual updating amendment, you must update your responses to all items, including corresponding sections of Schedules A, B, C, and D and all sections of Schedule R for each relying adviser. You must submit your summary of material changes required by Item 2 of Part 2A either in the brochure (cover page or the page immediately thereafter) or as an exhibit to your brochure. o Other-than-annual amendments: In addition to your annual updating amendment, if you are registered with the SEC or a state securities authority, you must amend your Form ADV, including corresponding sections of Schedules A, B, C, D, and R, by filing additional amendments (other-than-annual amendments) promptly, if: you are adding or removing a relying adviser as part of your umbrella registration; information you provided in response to Items 1 (except 1.O. and Section 1.F. of Schedule D), 3, 9 (except 9.A.(2), 9.B.(2), 9.E., and 9.F.), or 11 of Part 1A or Items 1, 2.A. through 2.F., or 2.I. of Part 1B or Sections 1 or 3 of Schedule R becomes inaccurate in any way; information you provided in response to Items 4, 8, or 10 of Part 1A, or Item 2.G. of Part 1B, or Section 10 of Schedule R becomes materially inaccurate; or information you provided in your brochure becomes materially inaccurate (see note below for exceptions). Notes: Part 1: If you are submitting an other-than-annual amendment, you are not required to update your responses to Items 2, 5, 6, 7, 9.A.(2), 9.B.(2), 9.E., 9.F., or 12 of Part 1A, Items 2.H. or 2.J. of Part 1B, Section 1.F. of Schedule D or Section 2 of Schedule R even if your responses to those items have become inaccurate. Part 2: You must amend your brochure supplements (see Form ADV, Part 2B) promptly if any information in them becomes materially inaccurate. If you are submitting an other-than-annual amendment to your brochure, you are not required to update your summary of material changes as required by Item 2. You are not required to update your brochure between annual amendments solely because the amount of client assets you manage has changed or because your fee schedule has changed. However, if you are updating your brochure for a separate reason in between annual amendments, and the amount of client assets you manage listed in response to Item 4.E. or your fee schedule listed in American LegalNet, Inc. 4 response to Item 5.A. has become materially inaccurate, you should update that item(s) as part of the interim amendment. If you are an SEC-registered adviser, you are required to file your brochure amendments electronically through IARD. You are not required to file amendments to your brochure supplements with the SEC, but you must maintain a copy of them in your files. If you are a state-registered adviser, you are required to file your brochure amendments and brochure supplement amendments with the appropriate state securities authorities through IARD. Exempt reporting advisers: o Annual Updating Amendments: You must amend your Form ADV each year by filing an annual updating amendment within 90 days after the end of your fiscal year. When you submit your annual updating amendment, you must update your responses to all required items, including corresponding sections of Schedules A, B, C, and D. o Other-than-Annual Amendments: In addition to your annual updating amendment, you must amend your Form ADV, includin