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FORM MA-NR OMB APPROVAL OMB Number: 3235-0681 May 31, 2017 Expires: Estimated average burden hours per initial response. . . . . . . . . 1.5 DESIGNATION OF U.S. AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS FOR NON-RESIDENTS Please read the General Instructions for this form and other forms in the MA series, as well as its subsection, "General Instructions to Form MA-NR," before completing this form. All italicized terms herein are defined or described in the Glossary of Terms appended to the General Instructions. Purpose: Each non-resident municipal advisor, non-resident general partner or non-resident managing agent of a municipal advisor, and non-resident natural person who is a person associated with the municipal advisor and engaged in municipal advisory activities on its behalf must execute a written irrevocable consent and power of attorney on Form MA-NR to appoint an agent in the United States, upon whom may be served any process, pleadings, or other papers in any action brought against such non-resident municipal advisor, general partner, managing agent or natural person associated with the municipal advisor. Instructions to Complete this Form: 1. This power of attorney, consent, stipulation, and agreement shall be signed and notarized by the non-resident municipal advisor, non-resident general partner or managing agent, or non-resident natural person who is a person associated with the municipal advisor and engaged in municipal advisory activities on its behalf, as applicable, in Section A of Form MA-NR. The form must be signed by the authorized agent for service of process in the United States in Section B of Form MA-NR. 2. The name of each person who signs this Form MA-NR must be typed or printed beneath the person's signature. 3. Any person who occupies more than one of the specified positions must indicate each capacity in which the person is signing the form. 4. Section C Documentation: If any person signs this form pursuant to a written authorization � e.g., a board resolution or power of attorney � an accurate and complete copy of each such document must be included with the Form MA-NR. 5. Attachment to Form MA or Form MA-I: a) Complete and execute a printed Form MA-NR, including signatures and notarization. Then scan the original completed and executed form to create a PDF file. Please consult the instructions for uploading PDF files into EDGAR, found in the EDGAR Filer's Manual, available at b) If any other documents are required, as specified in Section C of the form, include these documents in the same PDF file or create a separate one(s). c) Attach the PDF file(s) to the Form MA or Form MA-I, as appropriate, where prompted in the form. SEC 2900 (4/14) American LegalNet, Inc. Power of Attorney, Consent, Stipulation, and Agreement A. Designation and Appointment of Agent for Service of Process Identify the agent for service of process for the non-resident municipal advisor, for the non-resident general partner or managing agent of a municipal advisor, or for the non-resident natural person associated with the municipal advisor and engaged in municipal advisory activities on its behalf. Fill in all lines. 1. Name of United States person designated and appointed as agent for service of process. Enter all the letters of each name and not initials or other abbreviations. (If no middle name, enter NMN on that line.) _________________________________________________________ (name) 2. Mailing Address of United States person designated and appointed as agent for service of process. Do not use a P.O. Box. Do not use a foreign address. ______________________________________________________________________ (number and street; office suite or room number) __________________ _______ (city) (state) _____________________ (U.S. postal code: zip+4) ______________________________________ (area code) (telephone number) By signing this Form MA-NR or authorizing the signatory below to sign on your behalf, you � the nonresident municipal advisor, non-resident general partner or non-resident managing agent of a municipal advisor, or non-resident natural person who is a person associated with the municipal advisor and engaged in municipal advisory activities on its behalf (hereinafter, "the Designator") � irrevocably designate and appoint the above United States person as your Agent for Service of Process, and agree that such person may be served on your behalf, of any process, pleadings, subpoenas, or other papers, and you further agree that such service may be made by registered or certified mail, in: (a) any investigation or administrative proceeding conducted by the Commission (i) that relates to you or (as applicable) to the municipal advisor of which you are a general partner or managing agent, or with which you are associated and on whose behalf you are engaged in municipal advisory activities or (ii) with respect to which you may have information; and (b) any civil suit or action brought against you or (as applicable) the municipal advisor of which you are a general partner or managing agent, or with which you are associated and on whose behalf you are engaged in municipal advisory activities or to which you, or (as applicable) the municipal advisor of which you are a general partner or managing agent, or with which you are associated and on whose behalf you are engaged in municipal advisory activities has been joined as defendant or respondent, in any appropriate court in any place subject to the jurisdiction of any state, or of the United States or of any of its territories or possessions or of the District of Columbia, where the investigation, proceeding, or cause of action arises out of or relates to or concerns municipal advisory activities of the municipal advisor. 2 American LegalNet, Inc. The Designator stipulates and agrees that: any such civil suit or action or administrative proceeding may be commenced by the service of process upon, and that service of an administrative subpoena shall be effected by service upon, the above-named Agent for Service of Process; and that service as aforesaid shall be taken and held in all courts and administrative tribunals to be valid and binding as if personal service thereof had been made. Such person cannot be a Commission member, official, or employee. Appointment and Consent: Effect on Partnerships. If you are organized as a partnership, this irrevocable power of