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Form SE For Submission Of Paper Format Exhibits By Electronic Filers (SEC2082) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Securities And Exchange Commission.
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Tags: Form SE For Submission Of Paper Format Exhibits By Electronic Filers (SEC2082), SE, Official Federal Forms Securities And Exchange Commission,
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONWashington, D. C. 20549 FORM SE FORM FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPER FORMAT EXHIBITSBY EDGAR ELECTRONIC FILERS Exact name of registrant as speci002 ed in charter Registrant CIK NumberElectronic report, schedule or registration statement SEC 002 le number, if availableof which the documents are a part (give period of report) S- (Series identi336 er(s) and names(s), if applicable; add more lines as needed)C- (Class (contract) identi336 er(s) and names(s), if applicable; add more lines as needed)Report period (if applicable)Name of person 336 ling this exhibit (if other than the registrant)Identify the provision of Regulation S-T (247232 of this chapter) under which this exhibit is being 336 led in paper (check only one): Rule 201 (Temporary Hardship Exemption) Rule 202 (Continuing Hardship Exemption) Rule 311 (Permitted Paper Exhibit)SIGNATURESFilings Made By the Registrant: The Registrant has duly caused this form to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of , State of , 20 (Registrant) By: (Name ) (Title)Filings Made by Person Other Than the Registrant:After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify on , 20 , that the information set forth in this state-ment is true and complete. By: (Name) (Title)SEC 2082 (11-11) OMB APPROVALOMB Number: 3235-0327Expires: February 28, 2022 Estimated average burdenhours per response . . . . . .....0.10Persons who respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number. American LegalNet, Inc. FORM SE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Rules as to Use of Form SE A. Electronic 336 lers must use this form to submit any paper format exhibit under the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Ex-change Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, or the Investment Company Act of 1940, provided that the submission of such exhibit in paper is permitted under Rule 201, 202, or 311 of Regulation S-T (247247 232.201, 232.202, or 232.311 of this chapter). B. Electronic 336 lers are subject to Regulation S-T (Part 232 of this chapter) and the EDGAR Filer Manual. We direct your atten-tion to the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the Investment Company Act of 1940, and the electronic 336 ling rules and regulations under these Acts.2. Preparation of Form SE. Submit in paper format four complete copies of both the Form SE and the exhibit 336 led under cover of the Form SE.3. Filing of Form SE. A. If you are 336 ling the exhibit under a temporary hardship exemption, submit the exhibit and a Form TH (247247239.65, 249.447, 259.604, 269.10, and 274.404 of this chapter) under cover of this Form SE no later than one business day after the date on which the exhibit was to have been 336 led electronically. See Rule 201 of Regulation S-T (247232.201 of this chapter). B. If you are 336 ling the exhibit under a continuing hardship exemption under Rule 202 of Regulation S-T (247232.202 of this chapter), or as allowed by Rule 311 of Regulation S-T (247232.311 of this chapter), you may 336 le the exhibit in paper under cover of Form SE up to six business days before or on the date of 336 ling of the electronic format document to which it relates; you may not 336 le the exhibit after the 336 ling date of the electronic document to which it relates. Exhibits 336 led under a continuing hardship exemp-tion must include the legend required by Rule 202(c) (247232.202(c) of this chapter). If you submit the paper exhibit in this manner, you will have satis336 ed any requirements that you 336 le the exhibit with, provide the document with, or have the document accompany the electronic 336 ling. This instruction does not affect any requirement that you deliver or furnish the information in the exhibit to persons other than theCommission. C. Identify the exhibit being 336 led. Attach to the Form SE the paper format exhibit and an exhibit index if required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K of this chapter.4. Signatures. A. Submit one copy signed by each person on whose behalf you are submitting the form or by that person222s authorized repre-sentative. If the form is signed by the authorized representative of a person (other than an executive of336 cer or general partner), 336 le with the form the evidence of the authority of the representative to sign on behalf of such person, except that you may incorporate by reference a power of attorney for this purpose that is already on 336 le with the Commission. B. Signatures may be in typed form rather than manual format. American LegalNet, Inc.