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Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services OMB No. 1615-0037; Expires 04/30/2017 I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK - FOR USCIS OFFICE ONLY Section of Law 207 (c)(2) Spouse 207 (c)(2) Child 208 (b)(3) Spouse 208 (b)(3) Child Reserved Action Stamp Receipt Remarks Beneficiary Not Previously Claimed Beneficiary Previously Claimed On: (e.g., Form I-590, Form I-589, etc.) CSPA Eligible: Yes No N/A START HERE - Type or print legibly in black ink. My Status: Refugee Asylee Lawful Permanent Resident based on previous Refugee status Lawful Permanent Resident based on previous Asylee status Spouse Unmarried child who is a (n): Number of relatives for whom I am filing separate Form I-730s: Part 1. Information About You, the Petitioner Family Name (Last name), Given Name (First name), Middle Name: Address of Residence (Where you physically reside) Street Number and Name: Apt. Number City: Country: The beneficiary is my: Biological Child Stepchild of Adopted Child ( ) Part 2. Information About Your Alien Relative, the Beneficiary Family Name (Last name), Given Name (First name), Middle Name: Address of Residence (Where the beneficiary physically resides) Apt. Number Street Number and Name: City: Country: State or Province: Zip/Postal Code: State or Province: Zip/Postal Code: Mailing Address (If different from residence) - C/O: Street Number and Name: City: Country: Apt. Number: State or Province: Zip/Postal Code: Mailing Address (If different from residence) - C/O: Street Number and Name: City: Country: Apt. Number State or Province: Zip/Postal Code: Telephone Number including Country and City/Area Code: Your E-Mail Address, if available: Gender: a. b. Male Female Country of Citizenship/Nationality: Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): Telephone Number including Country and City/Area Code: The Beneficiary's E-Mail Address, if available: Gender: a. Male Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): Country of Citizenship/Nationality: U.S. Social Security Number (If applicable): Form I-730 (04/09/15) Y Page 1 American LegalNet, Inc. Country of Birth: Female b. Country of Birth: U.S. Alien Registration Number: U.S. Social Security Number (If applicable): A- U.S. Alien Registration Number: A- Part 1. Information About You, the Petitioner (Continued) Other Names Used (Including maiden name): Part 2. Information About Your Alien Relative, the Beneficiary (Continued) Other Names Used (Including maiden name): If married, Name of Spouse, Date (mm/dd/yyyy), and Place of Present Marriage: If previously married, names of prior spouses: If married, Name of Spouse, Date (mm/dd/yyyy), and Place of Present Marriage: If previously married, names of Prior Spouses: Dates (mm/dd/yyyy) and Places Previous Marriages Ended: Dates (mm/dd/yyyy) and Places Previous Marriages Ended: Please Please provide documentation indicating how marriages ended (e. provide documentation indicating how marriages ended (e.g., g., death certificate, divorce certificate, etc.): death certificate, divorce certificate, etc.): Date (mm/dd/yyyy) and Place Asylee Status was granted in the United States OR Date (mm/dd/yyyy) and Place you received your approval for Refugee Status while living abroad Beneficiary is currently in the United States. Beneficiary is outside the United States and will apply for travel authorization at a USCIS Office or a U.S. Embassy or consulate in: City and Country If You Were Approved for Refugee Status, Date (mm/dd/yyyy) and Place Admitted to the United States as a Refugee: To Be Completed By Attorney or Representative, if any. Fill in box if G-28 is attached to represent the petitioner. Volag Number: Attorney State License Number: Part 2. Information About Your Alien Relative, the Beneficiary (Continued) Name and mailing address of the beneficiary written in the language of the country where he or she now resides: Family Name: Address - C/O: Street Number and Name: City/State or Province: Check the box, a through d, that applies: a. The beneficiary has never been in the United States b. c. d. The beneficiary is now in immigration court proceedings in the United States Where? The beneficiary has never been in immigration court proceedings in the United States The beneficiary is not now in immigration court proceedings in the United States, but has been in the past. Where? Is the beneficiary fluent in English? What other languages does the beneficiary speak fluently: No Yes Form I-730 (04/09/15) Y Page 2 American LegalNet, Inc. Given Name: Middle Name: Apt. Number: Country: Zip/Postal Code: What is the beneficiary's native language? Part 2. Information About Your Alien Relative, the Beneficiary (Continued) List each of the beneficiary's entries into the United States; if any, beginning with the most recent entry. Submit a copy of each I-94 and/or copy of the beneficiary's passport showing all the entry and exit stamps for each entry. Attach an additional sheet if the beneficiary has more than two entries into the United States: Date of Arrival (mm/dd/yyyy): Place (City and State): I-94 Number: Travel Document Number: Date Status Expires (mm/dd/yyyy): Expiration Date for Passport or Travel Document: Passport Number: Status: Country of Issuance for Passport or Travel Document: Date of Arrival (mm/dd/yyyy): Place (City and State): I-94 Number: Travel Document Number: Date Status Expires (mm/dd/yyyy): Expiration Date for Passport or Travel Document: Passport Number: Status: Country of Issuance for Passport or Travel Document: Part 3. 2-Year Filing Deadline Are you filing this application more than 2 years after the date you were admitted to the United States as a refugee or granted asylee Yes status? No If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, explain the delay in filing and submit evidence to support your explanation (Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary): Part 4. Warning WARNING: Any beneficiary who is in the United States illegally is subject to removal if Form I-730 is not granted by USCIS. Any information provided in completing this petition may be used as a basis for the institution of, or as evidence in, removal proceedings, even if the petition is later withdrawn. Unexcused failure by the beneficiary to appear for an appointment to provide biometrics (such as fingerprints and photographs) and biographical information within the time allowed may result in denial of Form I-730. Information provided on this form