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6 Form DCS (Document Cover Sheet) � Basic Information Read all of the instructions below before completing this form. Use of the Document Cover Sheet is optional but encouraged. How to use this form Follow the instructions provided below. Include two copies of Form DCS (Document Cover Sheet) for each document being submitted for recordation. Forms should be typed or printed and should contain the information requested so that the Copyright Office can process the document and return it. In particular, be sure to complete section 10 so the recorded document can be returned. When to use this form Use Form DCS to submit a document pertaining to a transfer of copyright ownership or other document pertaining to a copyright that you wish to have recorded under section 205 of the Copyright Act. When not to use this form Form DCS should not be used to record documents pertaining to notices of termination, designation of agents for online service providers, identification of anonymous/pseudonymous authors, author death statements, visual arts registry statements, shareware registry statements, or other documents not covered by this publication. Also, Form DCS should not be used to file Licensing Division documents. Mailing requirements If using Form DCS, you must com- in addition to the items above, include in your submission a self-addressed postage-paid envelope. Send submissions for recordation to Library of Congress, U.S. Copyright Office-DOC, 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20559-6000. The Copyright Office will process the document based on the information provided in the document, associated attachments, and the electronic title list, if any. To be recorded, the document must satisfy the recordation requirements of the copyright law and Copyright Office regulations. The person submitting a document with Form DCS is solely responsible for verifying the correctness of the form and the sufficiency of the document. Recording a document submitted with or without a Form DCS does not constitute a determination by the Copyright Office of the document's validity or effect. Only a court may make such a determination. When Form DCS is submitted, it will be imaged with the document as part of the public record. Privacy Act Advisory Statement Section 205 and 705 of Title 17 of the United States Code authorize the Copyright Office to collect the personally identifying information requested on this form to process the application for recordation. Furnishing the requested information is voluntary. But if the information is not furnished, it may be necessary to delay or refuse recordation, and you may not be entitled to certain relief, remedies, and benefits provided under the copyright law. The principal uses of the requested information are the establishment and maintenance of a public record and the examination of the form for compliance with the recordation requirements under the copyright code. Other routine uses include public inspection and copying, preparation of public indexes, preparation of public catalogs of recorded documents, and preparation of search reports upon request. note: No other Privacy Act advisory statement will be given in connection with this application. Please keep a copy of these instructions and the completed form so that you may refer to them if the Office communicates with you regarding your submission. plete two copies of this form for each document that will be submitted for recordation and must submit them in the same envelope or package as the document to be recorded and the proper fee. The Office cannot process the submission unless all of these items are received together. In addition, if submitting a list of 100 or more titles in electronic format, the disc, flash drive, or other digital storage medium containing the list must be enclosed in the same package as the paper document submitted for recordation (unless alternative arrangements for submitting this list have been made with the Office). If you indicate on the form that you would like an acknowledgment that the Office received your submission, you must, Section-by-Section Instructions Section 1: First party name given in the document This information is used to connect Form DCS and the document if they become separated. Section 2: First title given in the document This information is used to connect Form DCS and the document if they become separated. American LegalNet, Inc. Form DCS, Document Cover Sheet � 2 Section 3: Total number of titles in the document The total number of titles determines the recordation fee. Variant titles for the same work (i.e., "alternative" titles, "f/k/a" titles, and "a/k/a" titles) are considered to be additional titles. In the case of multiple-title documents, titles repeated in documents are counted as a single title, except where the document lists different issues, volumes, episode numbers, etc., following each title. Additional titles after the first are charged an additional fee for each group of 10 or fewer. The fee is based on the number of titles in a document, not the number of works. For more information on calculating fees, see Section 6 below. Section 4: Return receipt Check this box to indicate that you Section 7: Fee enclosed Check the appropriate box. To charge a Copyright Office deposit account, give the deposit account number and name. If paying by check or money order, note that the Office accepts only domestic money orders and checks payable through a U.S. bank with American Bankers Association routing numbers. International and postal money orders are not accepted. Make the check or money order payable to Register of Copyrights. Section 8: Completeness of documents Check the appropriate want a return receipt showing that the Office received your submission. If you check this box, you must also include a self-addressed postage-paid envelope. A return receipt confirms the Office's receipt of the submission as of the date indicated but does not establish eligibility for, or the date of, recordation. Section 5: Electronic title list submission Check this box if your box. If you check the box indicating that you wish to record the document notwithstanding one or more missing attachments, you are attesting that the attachment(s) are completely unavailable for recordation, that the attachment(s) are not essential to identify the subject matter of the document, and that it would be impossible or wholly impracticable for the pe