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Form GR-CP Adjunct Application For Copyright Registration For A Group Of Contributions To Periodicals Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Copyright Office.
Tags: Form GR-CP Adjunct Application For Copyright Registration For A Group Of Contributions To Periodicals, GR-CP, Official Federal Forms US Copyright Office,
Adjunct Application Form GR ⁄ CP
Detach and read these instructions before completing this form.
Make sure all applicable spaces have been filled in before you return this form.
When to Use This Form
Use Form GR/CP when you are submitting a basic application on Form TX,
Form PA, or Form VA for a group of works that qualify for a single registration
under section 408(c)(2) of the copyright statute.
This Form:
• Is used solely as an adjunct to a basic application for copyright registration.
• Is not acceptable unless submitted with Form TX, Form PA, or Form VA.
• Is acceptable only if the group of works listed on it all qualify for a single
copyright registration under 17 U.S.C. §408 (c)(2).
Procedure for Group Registration
Two Application Forms Must Be Filed: When you apply for a single registration to cover a group of contributions to periodicals, you must submit two
application forms:
1 A basic application on either Form TX, Form PA, or Form VA. It must
contain all the information required for copyright registration except the
titles and information concerning publication of the contributions.
2 An adjunct application on Form GR/CP. This form provides separate identification for each contribution and gives information about first publication,
as required by the statute.
When Does a Group of Works Qualify for a Single Registration
Under 17 U.S.C. §408(c)(2)?
For all works first published on or after March 1, 1989, a single copyright
registration for a group of works can be made if all the following conditions
are met:
Which Basic Application Form to Submit: The basic application form you
choose should be determined by the nature of the contributions you are registering. If they meet the statutory qualifications for group registration (outlined
above), the contributions can be registered together even if they are entirely
different in nature, type, or content. However, you must choose which of three
forms is generally the most appropriate on which to submit your basic application:
• Form TX for nondramatic literary works consisting primarily of text. Examples are fiction, verse, articles, news stories, features, essays, reviews, editorials, columns, quizzes, puzzles, and advertising copy.
• Form PA for works of the performing arts. Examples are music, drama,
choreography, and pantomimes.
• Form VA for works of the visual arts. Examples are photographs, drawings,
paintings, prints, art reproductions, cartoons, comic strips, charts, diagrams,
maps, pictorial ornamentation, and pictorial or graphic material published
as advertising.
If your contributions differ in nature, choose the form most suitable for the
majority of them.
2 All the works were first published as contributions to periodicals (including
newspapers) within a 12-month period; and
3 All the works have the same copyright claimant; and
4 The deposit accompanying the application consists of one copy of the entire
periodical issue or newspaper section in which each contribution was first
published; or a photocopy of the contribution itself; or a photocopy of the
entire page containing the contribution; or the entire page containing the
contribution cut or torn from the collective work; or the contribution cut
or torn from the collective work; or photographs or photographic slides of
the contribution or entire page containing the contribution as long as all
contents of the contributions are clear and legible; and
5 The application identifies each contribution separately, including the periodical containing it and the date of its first publication.
Note: For contributions that were first published prior to March 1, 1989,
in addition to the conditions listed above, each contribution as first published must have borne a separate copyright notice, and the name of
the owner of copyright in the work (or an abbreviation or alternative
designation of the owner) must have been the same in each notice.
How to Apply for Group Registration
1 Study the information on this page to make sure that all the works you want
to register together as a group qualify for a single registration.
2 Read through the procedure for group registration in the next column.
Decide which form you should use for the basic registration. Be sure to
have all the information you need before filling out both the basic and the
adjunct application forms.
3 Complete the basic application form, following the detailed instructions
accompanying it and the special instructions on the reverse of this page.
4 Complete the adjunct application on Form GR/CP and mail it, together with
the basic application form, the fee, and the required copy of each contribution to the address indicated in space 9 of your basic application form (TX,
PA, or VA).
Unless you have a deposit account in the Copyright Office, send a check or
money order payable to Register of Copyrights.
Registration Fee for Group Registration: Unless you maintain a deposit account
in the Copyright Office, the registration fee must accompany your application
forms and copies. Make your remittance payable to Register of Copyrights. Copyright Office fees are subject to change. For current fees, check the Copyright
Office website at, write the Copyright Office, or call (202)
707-3000 or 1-877-476-0778 (toll free).
ISSN: If a published serial has not been assigned an ISSN, application forms
and additional information may be obtained from Library of Congress, National
Serials Data Program, Serial Record Division, Washington, DC 20540-4160. Call
(202) 707-6452. Or obtain information at www./ .
What Copies Should Be Deposited for Group Registration: The application
forms you file for group registration must be accompanied by one complete
copy of each published contribution listed on Form GR/CP. For a description
of acceptable deposits, see (4) under “When Does a Group of Works Qualify
for a Single Registration under 17 U.S.C. §408(c)(2)?”
Note: Since these deposit alternatives differ from the current regulations,
the Office will automatically grant special relief upon receipt. There is no
need for the applicant to request such relief in writing. This is being done
to facilitate registration pending a change in the regulations.
The Copyright Notice: Before March 1, 1989, the use of a copyright notice
was mandatory on all published works, and any work first published before
that date should have carried a notice. Furthermore, among the conditions
for group registration of contributions to periodicals for works first published
prior to March 1, 1989, the statute establishes two requirements involving the
copyright notice: (1) Each of the contributions as first published must have
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1 All the works are by the same author, who is an individual (not an employer
for hire); and
borne a separate copyright notice; and (2) “The name of the owner of copyright in the works, or an abbreviation by which the name can be recognized,
or a generally known alternative designation of the owner” must have been
the same in each notice. For works first published on and after March 1, 1989,
use of the copyright notice is optional. For more information about copyright
notice, read Circular 3, Copyright Notice.
For Further Information: To speak to a Copyright Office staff member, call
(202) 707-3000 or 1-877-476-0778 (toll free). Recorded information is available
24 hours a day. Order forms and other publications from Library of Congress,
Copyright Office-COPUBS, 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20559
or call the Forms and Publications Hotline at (202) 707-9100. Download circulars, forms, and other information from the Copyright Office website at
Note: The advantage of group registration is that it allows any number
of works published within a 12-month period to be registered “on the
basis of a single deposit, application, and registration fee.” But group
registration may also have disadvantages under certain circumstances.
If infringement of a published work begins before the work has been
registered, the copyright owner can still obtain the ordinary remedies
for copyright infringement (including injunctions, actual damages and
profits, and impounding and disposition of infringing articles). However,
in that situation—where the copyright in a published work is infringed
before registration is made—the owner cannot obtain special remedies
(statutory damages and attorney’s fees) unless registration was made
within three months after first publication of the work.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR the Basic Application for Group Registration
In general, the instructions for filling out the basic application (Form TX, Form
PA, or Form VA) apply to group registrations. In addition, please observe the
following specific instructions:
SPACE 1: Title
Do not give information concerning any of the contributions in space
1 of the basic application. Instead, in the block headed “Title of This Work,”
state: “See Form GR/CP, attached.” Leave the other blocks in space 1 blank.
SPACE 3: Creation and Publication
SPACE 4: Claimant(s)
In the block calling for the year of creation, give the year of creation
of the last of the contributions to be completed. Leave the block calling for the
date and nation of first publication blank.
Give all of the requested information, which must be the same for all
of the contributions listed on Form GR/CP.
SPACE 2: Author(s)
Give the name and other information concerning the author of all of
the contributions listed in Form GR/CP. To qualify for group registration, all
of the contributions must have been written by the same individual author.
Complete all of the applicable spaces and be sure that the form is
signed in the certification space.
Please type or print using black ink.
PART A: Identification of Application
Identification of Basic Application: Indicate, by checking one of the
boxes, which of the basic application forms (Form TX, Form PA, or
Form VA) you are filing for registration.
Identification of Author and Claimant: Give the name of the individual author
exactly as it appears in line 2 of the basic application, and give the name of the
copyright claimant exactly as it appears in line 4. These must be the same for
all of the contributions listed in Part B of Form GR/CP.
PART B: Registration for Group of
General Instructions: Under the statute, a group of contributions to periodicals will qualify for a single registration only if the application “identifies
each work separately, including the periodical containing it and its date of
first publication.” Part B of the Form GR/CP provides enough lines to list 19
separate contributions. If you need more space, use additional Forms GR/CP.
If possible, list the contributions in the order of their publication, giving the
earliest first. Number each line consecutively.
Important: All of the contributions listed on Form GR/CP must have been
published within a single 12-month period. This does not mean that all of
the contributions must have been published during the same calendar year,
but it does mean that, to be grouped in a single application, the earliest and
latest contributions must not have been published more than 12 months apart.
Example: Contributions published on April 1, 1978, July 1, 1978, and March 1,
1979, could be grouped together, but a contribution published on April 15, 1979,
could not be registered with them as part of the group.
Title of Contribution: Each contribution must be given a title that identifies
that particular work and can distinguish it from others. If the contribution as
published in the periodical bears a title (or an identifying phrase that could
serve as a title), transcribe its wording completely and exactly.
Identification of Periodical: Give the overall title of the periodical in which the
contribution was first published, together with the volume and issue number
(if any) and the issue date.
Pages: Give the number of the page of the periodical issue on which the contribution appeared. If the contribution covered more than one page, give the
inclusive pages, if possible.
First Publication: The statute defines “publication” as “the distribution of copies
or phonorecords of a work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership,
or by rental, lease, or lending”; a work is also “published” if there has been an
“offering to distribute copies or phonorecords to a group of persons for purposes of further distribution, public performance, or public display.” Give the
full date (month, day, and year) when, and the country where, publication of
the periodical issue containing the contribution first occurred. If first publication took place simultaneously in the United States and other countries, it is
sufficient to state “U.S.A.”
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ADJUNCT APPLICATION for Copyright Registration for a Group
of Contributions to Periodicals
• Use this adjunct form only if you are making a single registration for a group of contributions to periodicals, and you are also filing a basic application on Form TX, Form PA, or
Form VA. Follow the instructions, attached.
3 Form GR ⁄ CP
• Number each line in Part B consecutively. Use additional Forms GR/CP if you need
more space.
• Submit this adjunct form with the basic application form. Clip (do not tape or staple) and
fold all sheets together before submitting them.
• Copyright Office fees are subject to change. For current fees, check the Copyright
Office website at, write the Coyright Office, or call (202) 707-3000.
Privacy Act Notice: Sections 408-410 of title 17 of the United States Code authorize the
Copyright Office to collect the personally identifying information requested on this form in
order to process the application for copyright registration. By providing this infor
mation you are agreeing to routine uses of the information that include publication
to give legal notice of your copyright claim as required by 17 U.S.C. §705. It will appear in the
Office’s online catalog. If you do not provide the information requested, registration may be
refused or delayed, and you may not be entitled to certain relief, remedies, and benefits under
the copyright law.
Month Day Year
Page ______ of ______ pages
IDENTIFICATION OF BASIC APPLICATION: This application for copyright registration for a group of contributions to periodicals is submitted
as an adjunct to an application filed on: (Check which)
❑ Form TX
❑ Form PA
❑ Form VA
IDENTIFICATION OF AUTHOR AND CLAIMANT: Give the name of the author and the name of the copyright claimant in all of the contributions
listed in Part B of this form. The names should be the same as the names given in spaces 2 and 4 of the basic application.
Name of Author _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Copyright Claimant ___________________________________________________________________________________________
for Group of
COPYRIGHT REGISTRATION FOR A GROUP OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS: To make a single registration for a group of works by
the same individual author, all first published as contributions to periodicals within a 12-month period (see instructions), give full information about
each contribution. If more space is needed, use additional Forms GR/CP.
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
American LegalNet, Inc.
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Title of Contribution ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title of Periodical ________________________________________ Vol. ____ No. ______ Issue Date ___________ Pages _________
Date of First Publication __________________________________ Nation of First Publication _______________________________
Form GR/CP–Full Rev: 04 / 2012 Print: 03 / 2010 Printed on recycled paper
U.S. Government Printing Office: 2010-xxxx
American LegalNet, Inc.