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SPECIAL NOTICE ABOUT THIS STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT Satellite Royalty Fee Rates037e Copyright Royalty Board has published a cost-of-living adjustment to the applicable royalty rates. For details, see 83 FR 61226 (November 28, 2018).Filing FeesE036ective January 1, 2014, pursuant to the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act of 2010 (STELA), which granted authority to the Copyright O035ce to establish fees for the 034ling of statements of account (SOAs) under the section 111, 119, and 122 statutory licenses, the O035ce now assesses 034ling fees for all SOAs for current, past, and future accounting periods. For details, see the Federal Register, November 29, 2013 (78 FR 71498 Please be advised that the 034ling fee is deducted before the royalty payment is credited; thus the omission of the appropriate 034ling fee will result in an underpayment of royalty fees. Please remit the royalty fee and 034ling fee in one EFT payment. (SOA 034ling fee: $725). Electronic Payment of Royalty and Filing Fees RequiredDetailed instructions for making royalty payments via electronic funds transfer (EFT) are contained in circulars 74A, 74B, and 74C, available at Alternatively, contact the Licensing Division at the phone or fax numbers listed above or by email at The royalty payment must include the appropriate filing fee and must be made payable to the Register of Copyrights. Note: The Copyright Office encourages you to use the method for your electronic payment. In the future, the Office intends to transition to a single EFT payment method (, which will be required for making royalty and filing fee payments covering past, current, and future accounting periods.Photocopy RequiredA legible copy of the semiannual statement of account must be submitted together with the original statement of account to the Copyright Office. Note: If you are replying to Licensing Division correspondence or submitting revisions or amendments to your original SOA, only one original version of the revised SOA pages is required with your reply letter, together with a single copy of any Licensing Division correspondence. Please do not include extra photocopies of the SOA pages affected.Fillable SOAs Available OnlineAccess the fill-in statement of account form at Operations ProceduresIf your satellite system completely shut down operations during the accounting period, report the facts as they existed on the last day of operations and submit the SOA with the associated royalty and filing fee payments and a cover letter informing the Licensing Division of ceased operations. If your satellite system had no subscribers during the entire accounting period, do not submit the SOA or any fees. You do not need to notify us in this case.Important: Review FilingsPlease review all elements of your filing(s) before submitting them. Filing properly minimizes the need for us to contact you with questions on the processing of your statement(s) of account and payments and reduces administrative and other costs.Mailing AddressReturn the completed statement of account to Copyright Royalty BoardAttn: Licensing DivisionP.O. Box 70977Washington, DC 20024-0977If you have questions about the use of this form, contact the Licensing Division between 8:30 033032 and 5:00 031032 eastern time atphone: (202) 707-8150fax: (202) 707-0905 email: licensing@copyright.govweb: American LegalNet, Inc. FORM SCReturn to:Copyright Royalty BoardAttn: Licensing DivisionP.O. Box 70977Washington, DC 20024-0977 (For courier deliveries, see page i of the instructions.) 037036035034 033032031030 035034 027033033027026037035025027 033032031 037036027 024026026032023022037035022021 020027031035032017 016027021035022022035022021 r024022023024031f 1, 2019.If you are 037ling for a prior accounting period, contact the Licensing Division for the correct form. � Space A037036036035034033032031033030 027026025031035024 036035023026025026024 022021 032020031017 017032037032026016026033032: � (Check one box and 013ll in the year) � 031024#: January 1226June 30, � � July 1226December 31, � (as assigned by the � Licensing Division)Space Br026030037r 033037016026 035f 017037032026rr031032026 036037025025031026025: � Your 013le is established under this name. Give the full name of the owner of the satellite carrier. If the owner is a subsidiary of another corporation, give the full corporate title of the subsidiary, not that of the parent corporation.037036035034037 033034032036 031030 031027033036026 031030 025034024036037037023024036 022034026026023036026021020025023033036025025 033034032036 031030 031027033036026, 023030 017023030030036026036033024032034023037023033035 034017017026036025025. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTfor Secondary Transmissions by Satellite Carriers of Distant Television SignalsInstructions are at the end of this form (pages i226iv).033035n035022021 017027024017n035022027: � The statement of account must be 013led within 30 days after the last day of the accounting period. The 013ling deadline is July 30 for the January226June accounting period and January 30 for the July226December accounting period.035ff031036031037r 0220340170310330260170175 � United States Copyright O013ceREMITTANCE NUMBERAMOUNT FOR COPYRIGHT OFFICE USE ONLYDATE RECEIVED $ Privacy Act Notice: Section 119 of title 17 of the United States Code authorizes the Copyright O035ce to collect the personally identifying information (PII) requested on this form in order to process your statement of account. PII is any personal information that can be used to identify or trace an individual, such as name, address and telephone numbers. By providing PII, you are agreeing to the routine use of it to establish and maintain a public record, which includes appearing in the O035ce222s public indexes and in search reports prepared for the public. 037e e036ect of not providing the PII requested is that it may delay processing of your statement of account and its placement in the completed record of statements of account, and it may a036ect the legal su035ciency of the 034ling, a determination that would be made by a court of law. American LegalNet, Inc. Space C027025031016037025021 032025037033017016031032032026025017: 032026r026023031017031035033227In this area, identify every television station licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) carried by the satellite carrier during this accounting period. Do not list non-broadcast-program services such as HBO, ESPN, TBS, or CNN. 225 � Column 1: List each station222s call sign, including each primary and multicast stream (e.g., WABC1, WABC2, etc.)225 � Column 2: Give the number of the channel on which the station broadcasts over-the-air.225 � Column 3: Indicate whether the station is a 223non-network224 or a 223network 224 station by entering the letter 223NNS224 (for non-network) or 223N224 (for network). See page ii of the instructions for the meaning of these terms.225 � Column 4: Give the location of each station. This should be the community (city and state) to which the station is licensed by the FCC.Give the legal name as it appears in space B: 030031026032 025022, 016034035036 2 1. Call sign 2. � Channel number4. Location of station 3. � Station type (NNS 0r N) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � American LegalNet, Inc. Space D 227 Copyright Royalty and Filing Fees030026033026025037r: � In this area, report the number of subscribers receiving each non-network and network station retransmitted outside the station222s local market. � For the d