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Form SR For Sound Recording Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Copyright Office.
Tags: Form SR For Sound Recording, SR, Official Federal Forms US Copyright Office,
Title of This Work: Every work submitted for copyright registration must be given a title to identify that particular work. If the phonorecords or any accom-panying printed material bears a title (or an identifying phrase that could serve as a title), transcribe that wording completely and exactly on the application. Indexing of the registration and future identification of the work may depend on the information you give here.Previous, Alternative, or Contents Titles: Complete this space if there are any previous or alternative titles for the work under which someone searching for the registration might be likely to look, or under which a document pertaining to the work might be recorded. You may also give the individual contents titles, if any, in this space or you may use a Con �� tinuation Sheet (Form CON). Circle the term that describes the titles given.General Instructions: After reading these instructions, decide who are the 223authors224 of this work for copyright purposes. Then, unless the work is a 223collective work,224 give the requested information about every 223author224 who contributed any appreciable amount of copyrightable matter to this version of the work. If you need further space, use additional Continuation Sheets. In the case of a collective work such as a collection of previously published or registered sound recordings, give information about the author of the collective work as a whole. If you are submitting this Form SR to cover the recorded musical, dramatic, or literary work as well as the sound recording itself, it is important for space 2 to include full information about the various authors of all of the material covered by the copyright claim, making clear the nature of each author222s contribution.Name of Author: The fullest form of the author222s name should be given. Unless the work was 223made for hire,224 the individual who actually created the work is its 223author.224 In the case of a work made for hire, the statute provides that 223the employer or other person for whom the work was prepared is considered the author.224What Is a 223Work Made for Hire224? A 223work made for hire224 is defined as: (1) 223a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment224; or (2) 223a work Contribution to a Collective Work: Deposit one complete phonorecord of the best edition of the collective work.The Copyright Notice: Before March 1, 1989, the use of copyright notice was man-datory on all published works, and any work first published before that date should have carried a notice. For works first published on and after March 1, 1989, use of the copyright notice is optional. For more information about copyright notice, see Copyright Notice (Circular 3).For Further Information: To speak to a Copyright Office staff member, call (202) 707-3000 or 1-877-476-0778. Recorded information is available 24 hours a day. Order forms and other publications from Library of Congress, Copyright Office-COPUBS, 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20559 or call (202) 707-9100 or 1-877-476-0778 (toll free). Access and download circulars and other information from the Copyright Office website at to Use This Form: Use Form SR for registration of published or unpublished sound recordings. Form SR should be used when the copyright claim is limited to the sound recording itself, and it may also be used where the same copyright claimant is seeking simultaneous registration of the underlying musical, dramatic, or literary work embodied in the phonorecord.With one exception, 223sound recordings224 are works that result from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds. The exception is for the audio portions of audiovisual works, such as a motion picture soundtrack or an audio cassette accom-panying a filmstrip. These are considered a part of the audiovisual work as a whole.Unpublished works: This form may be used to register one unpublished work. This form cannot be used to register a 223collection224 of two or more unpublished works. Any paper application submitted with more than one unpublished work may be refused. To register multiple unpublished works, you must use the online application for 223A Group of Unpublished Works.224 For information about the online application, see Multiple Works (Circular 34).Deposit to Accompany Application: An application for copyright registration must be accompanied by a deposit consisting of phonorecords representing the entire work for which registration is to be made.Unpublished Work: Deposit one complete phonorecord.Published Work: Deposit two complete phonorecords of the best edition, together with 223any printed or other visually perceptible material224 published with the phonorecords.Work First Published Outside the United States: Deposit one complete phonore-cord of the first foreign edition.specially ordered or commissioned for use as a contribution to a collective work, as a part of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, as a translation, as a supplemen-tary work, as a compilation, as an instructional text, as a test, as answer material for a test, or as an atlas, if the parties expressly agree in a written instrument signed by them that the work shall be considered a work made for hire.224 If you have checked 223Yes224 to indicate that the work was 223made for hire,224 you must give the full legal name of the employer (or other person for whom the work was prepared). You may also include the name of the employee along with the name of the employer (for example: 223Elster Record Co., employer for hire of John Ferguson224).223Anonymous224 or 223Pseudonymous224 Work: An author222s contribution to a work is 223anonymous224 if that author is not identified on the copies or phonorecords of the work. An author222s contribution to a work is 223pseudonymous224 if that author is identified on the copies or phonorecords under a fictitious name. If the work is 223anonymous224 you may: (1) leave the line blank; or (2) state 223anonymous224 on the line; or (3) reveal the author222s identity. If the work is 223pseudonymous224 you may: (1) leave the line blank; or (2) give the pseudonym and identify it as such (for example: 223Huntley Haverstock, pseudonym224); or (3) reveal the author222s name, making clear which is the real name and which is the pseudonym (for example: 223Judith Barton, whose pseudonym is Madeline Elster224). However, the citizenship or domicile of the author must be given in all cases.Dates of Birth and Death: If the author is dead, the statute requires that the year of death be included in the application unless the work is anonymous or pseudonymous. The author222s birth date is optional, but is useful as a form of identification. Leave this space blank if the author222s contribution was a 223work made for hire.224Author222s Nationality or Domicile: Give the country in which the author is a citi-zen, or the country in which the author is domiciled. Nationality or domicile must be given in all cases.Nature of Authorship: Sound recording author �� ship is the performan �� ce, sound pro-duction, or both, that is fixed in the recording deposited for registration. Describe this authorship in space 2 as 223sound recording.224 If the claim also covers the underlying work(s), include the appropriate authorship terms for each author, for example, 223words,224 223music,224 223arrangement of music,224 or 223text.224Generally, for the claim to cover both the sound recording and the underlying work(s), every author should have contributed to both the sound recording and the underlying work(s). If the claim includes artwork or photographs, include the appro-priate term in the statement of authorship.PRIVACY ACT ADVISORY STATEMENT Required by the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579)The authority for requesting this information is title 17 U.S.C. 247409 and 247410. Furnishing the requested information is voluntary. But if the information is not furnished, it may be necessary to delay -- 4 � Form SR � Detach and read these instructions before completing this form. � Make sure all applicable spaces have been 037lled in before you return t