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FORM 4 BILL OF COSTS In The United States Court of Federal Claims BILL OF COSTS __________________________ vs. THE UNITED STATES Judgment with costs having been entered in the above-captioned case on the ____ day of 20___, against ______________, the clerk is requested to tax the following as costs: Fees of the clerk ....................................................................................................................... Fees of the reporter for all or any part of the trial or hearing transcript necessarily obtained for use in the case.................................................................................... Fees for witnesses; for statutory fees, see 28 U.S.C. �1821 (attach itemized listing).............. Costs for certification or duplication of papers necessarily obtained for use in case, provide number of copies, total pages and cost per page *.......................................... Costs incident to taking of depositions (if not of record, then attach statement as to need)..... Costs pursuant to FRAP 39(e)................................................................................................... Other costs (itemize on attachment).......................................................................................... Total .......................................................................................................................................... ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ $___________ ___________ ___________ $___________ __________, No._____________ *Allowable duplication costs are restricted to briefs on dispositive matters for a total of 5 copies; additional copies are allowable where third parties are present. CERTIFICATION State/District of _________________. County of ______________________. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing costs are correct and were necessarily incurred in this action and that the services for which fees have been charged were actually and necessarily performed and that a copy hereof was this day mailed to _____________________________ with postage fully prepaid thereon. Executed on (Date). (28 U.S.C. �1746) ________________________________ (Signature of Attorney of Record) ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ (Address, Telephone, Facsimile, E-mail) As amended through July 2, 2012 American LegalNet, Inc.