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United States Court of Federal Claims Request for Certified Transcript of Court Proceeding 1. Date of Proceeding: ______________________ Presiding Judge:________________________________ Case Name: ____________________________ Case Number: __________________________________ 2. Court Reporter Present: Yes No 3. Requester is Judge _______________________ Chambers Contact: ______________________________ Chambers Telephone: ____________________________ or Requester is: Counsel Party Other: _______________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ I certify that I understand it is my responsibility to pay for the transcript and to make arrangements for payment directly to the official transcriber of the record. Firm name, if applicable: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________ Date of Request: ________________________ Signature of Requester: ________________________________________________________________ (The court is not responsible for payment of the transcription fee incurred under this request.) E-mail: ________________________________ 4. Delivery Time Requested: 5. Transcript Request is for: 10 days 5 days 1 day Entire Proceeding Portion: __________________________________________________ Specify exact beginning and ending time of segment requested (e.g., 10:45:30 a.m. to 11:15:20 a.m.) Transcription company will provide the court with an electronic copy, in read-only format, as an attachment via e-mail to: Please email completed form to American LegalNet, Inc.