Certificate Of Service (CM-ECF)
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Certificate Of Service (CM-ECF) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Court Of International Trade.
Tags: Certificate Of Service (CM-ECF), Official Federal Forms US Court Of International Trade,
Certificate of Service
Pursuant to USCIT R. 5 and Paragraphs 5 and 6 of Administrative Order 02-01 of the U.S.
Court of International Trade, I hereby certify that on the
day of
, 20 , I have caused service
of the following document(s):
to be made in the manner described below:
By hand, addressed to the following parties: (List names and addresses of parties so served,
and if service is upon an attorney, the name of the party represented by the attorney.)
By certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the
following parties: (List names and addresses of parties so served, and if service is upon an attorney, the
name of the party represented by the attorney.)
By first-class mail, addressed to the following parties: (List names and addresses of
parties so served, and if service is upon an attorney, the name of the party represented by the attorney.)
By express mail or overnight carrier, addressed to the following parties: (List names
and addresses of parties so served, and if service is upon an attorney, the name of the party represented by the
By electronic filing with the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF System, which
will send a Notice of Electronic Filing to all parties with an e-mail address of record, who have
filed a Notice of Consent to Electronic Service in this action: (List names of parties served via
Electronic Notification, and if service is upon an attorney, the name of the party represented by the attorney.)
(Name, Affiliation and Address of Person Effectuating Service)
American LegalNet, Inc.