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CM-ECF Registration Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Court Of International Trade.
Tags: CM-ECF Registration, 01, Official Federal Forms US Court Of International Trade,
UNITED STATES COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE CM/ECF REGISTRATION Personal Information Last Name: First Name: CM/ECF Registration Type I seek to register as a: CM/ECF Filer � A CM/ECF Filer must be either an attorney admitted to practice before the U.S. Court of International Trade or a party to a pending action who is permitted by the Rules of the Court to appear without an attorney. Filers may file public documents via CM/ECF and will receive one free look at public documents served upon them via CM/ECF. Access to queries, reports and other public documents will require a PACER account and be subject to PACER access fees. CM/ECF Confidential Information Filer � A CM/ECF Confidential Information Filer is an attorney admitted to practice before the U.S. Court of International Trade. Confidential Information Filers may file public and confidential documents via CM/ECF and will receive one free look at public and confidential documents served upon them via CM/ECF. Access to queries, reports and other public and confidential documents will require a PACER account and be subject to PACER access fees. Private attorneys will be able to access and file confidential documents in a case after filing a Form 17 Business Proprietary Information Certification or on the granting of a Judicial Protective Order. Government attorneys will be able to access and file confidential documents in a case after filing a Form 11, Notice of Appearance. To register for a PACER account or view the PACER Fee Schedule, visit the PACER website at Generation (i.e., Jr., Sr., II): Middle Name: Employer (if applicable) Office: Address 1: Address 2: City: State: Zip + 4: Filer or Confidential Information Filer Primary E-Mail Address: Notice of Electronic Filing: one daily summary of all CM/ECF filings or I prefer to receive one email notice for each CM/ECF filing (continued) 1 Secondary E-Mail Address: Notice of Electronic Filing: I prefer to receive one daily summary of all CM/ECF filings or one email notice for each CM/ECF filing Telephone Number: Fax Number: Mother's Maiden Name (used for security verification): Date of Birth: Are you a member in good standing of the Court of International Trade bar? ___ Yes ___ No By submitting this form, the undersigned acknowledges, affirms and declares the following: 1. 2. All pleadings and papers required to be filed with the Clerk must be filed electronically unless otherwise ordered by the Court. I have reviewed Administrative Order 02-01 and understand that it or any order subsequently issued by the Court with regard to the CM/ECF System governs my use of the CM/ECF System. I will abide by the terms of Administrative Order 02-01 or any order subsequently issued by the Court with regard to the CM/ECF System. Each use of my password for filing documents will meet the requirements of USCIT R. 11 and Administrative Order 02-01. If I file a document that is to be signed by two or more persons, I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain a copy of that document bearing the original signatures of the signers in my records until one year after the final disposition of the action in which the document was filed. I understand that the combination of my user identification and password constitutes my signature. I agree to protect and secure the confidentiality of my password and will immediately notify the Clerk's Office if I learn my password has been compromised. If I am seeking registration as a Confidential Information Filer, I have reviewed the Court's Best Practice Recommendations for the Handling and E-Filing of BPI Information at the CIT. I understand that the Clerk's Office reserves the right to suspend, and in some cases terminate, my ability to electronically file via CM/ECF. 3. 4. 5. (continued) 2 UNITED STATES COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE CM/ECF REGISTRATION 6. Documents are to be submitted electronically only in Portable Document Format (PDF). ______________________________ Applicant's Name ______________________________ Applicant's Signature ______________________________ Date Return completed form to the Office of the Clerk at: or United States Court of International Trade Office of the Clerk Case Management � CM/ECF Registration One Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278-0001 1-866-450-1859 CMECF Form No. 1 Revised 10/13 3