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Form 13 Disclosure Of Coporate Affiliations And Financial Interest Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Court Of International Trade.
Tags: Form 13 Disclosure Of Coporate Affiliations And Financial Interest, 13, Official Federal Forms US Court Of International Trade,
FORM 13 UNITED STATES COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE One Federal Plaza New York, New York 10278 DISCLOSURE O F CORPORATE AF FILIATIO NS AND FINANCIA L INTEREST This notification is submitted by_______________________________________
__________ (Name of attorney of record) on behalf of ___________________________________________________________
____in the matter of _________________________________________ v.__________________
________, Court No. ___________________. 1. If this statement is submitted on behalf of a corporate party, that entity shall identify below all of its publicly-owned companies, any publicly-held company that has a 10% or greater ownership interest in the enity,t and any publicly-owned affiliate of the entity, and decribe ts he relationship between the party and each identified company. ________________________________________________________________________
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___ ________________________________________________________________________
___ 2. Indicate whether the party on whose behalf this Form is being filed is[ ] or is not [ ] the real party in interest. If not, identify below the real party in interest. ________________________________________________________________________
___ ________________________________________________________________________
___ ________________________________________________________________________
___ 3. If this statement is submitted on behalf of a trade association, identify below ach publicly-owne demember of the trade association. (Attach additional pages if necessary.) ________________________________________________________________________
___ ________________________________________________________________________
___ ________________________________________________________________________
___ ________________________________ __________________________________ (Signature of Attorney) (Date) SEE REVERSE SIDE (Added Nov. 4, 1981, eff. Jan. 1, 1982; as amended Dec. 18, 2001, eff. Apr.1, 2002; Sept. 28, 2004, eff. January 1, 2005.) American LegalNet, Inc.>>>> 2 INSTRUCT IONS FOR USE DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE A FFILIATIONS AND FINANCIAL INTEREST* 1. When a corporation is a party to any action, the attorney for the party shall notify the clerk of the court in writing of the identity of all publicly-owned companies owned by the party, any publicly-held company that has a 10% or greater ownership interest in the entity and any publicly-owned affiliate of the entity and the relationship between the party and each identified company. 2. The attorney for the party on whose behalf the form is filed shall, in addition to the information required in paragraph 1, notify the clerk of the court in writing of the identity of the real party in interest if different from the named party. 3. When a trade association is a party to an action, the attorney for the trade association shall notify the clerk of the court in writing of the identity of each publicly-owned member of the trade association. 4. The notification required of a corporate party or trade association also shall be made by the attorney for any corporation or trade association seeking to intervene, or appear as amicus curiae, in any action. 5. The required notification shall be made on a Disclosure Statement form (on the reverse) to be provided by the clerk of the court when the first pleading or other paper is filed by a party or when a motion to intervene or appear as amicus curiae is filed. In accordance with Rule 3(i), if any the information required changes after the form is filed, and before a final judgment is issued, the attorney for the party or amicus curiae must promptly file an amended form. *See generally: 28 U.S.C. 455. American LegalNet, Inc.