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Law Student Appearance Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Court Of International Trade.
Tags: Law Student Appearance Form, Official Federal Forms US Court Of International Trade,
UNITED STATES COURT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Plaintiff, v. Defendant. Before: Court No. , Judge LAW STUDENT APPEARANCE FORM 1. Law Student Certification I, _______________________________________, certify that: (Name of Student) (a) I am duly enrolled in ___________________________________ law school and am a participant in that school's approved clinical program in accordance with Section 2(b) of the Administrative Order for Student Practice of the United States Court of International Trade. I am receiving no compensation from the client in accordance with Section 2(f) of the Administrative Order for Student Practice of the United States Court of International Trade. I have read and will comply with the Code of Professional Responsibility of the American Bar Association. I have read the Rules of the United States Court of International Trade and evidentiary rules relevant to the action or proceeding in which I am appearing. I have read the provisions of the Administrative Order for Student Practice of the United States Court of International Trade. ________________________________ (Signature of Student) (b) (c) (d) (e) ___________________________ (date) American LegalNet, Inc. 2. Certification of Law School Dean or his/her Authorized Designee I certify that this student: (a) (b) (c) has successfully completed at least three semesters of legal studies and is a participant in an approved clinical program; is qualified, to the best of my knowledge, to provide the legal representation permitted by this Administrative Order; and that __________________________________________, who will serve as supervising attorney, is a participant in a clinical program approved by this school. _______________________________ (Signature of Dean or Authorized Designee) ________________________________ (Position of Above) ___________________________ (date) 3. Consent of Supervising Attorney As a member of the bar of the United States Court of International Trade, I will: (a) (b) (c) (d) assume personal professional responsibility for this student's work; assist this student to the extent necessary; appear with this student in all proceedings before the court; sign all documents as required by Sections 3(b) and 4(g) of the Administrative Order for Student Practice of the United States Court of International Trade. ________________________________ (Signature of Attorney) ______________________________ (date) -2- American LegalNet, Inc. 4. Consent of the Judge I authorize this student: (a) (b) to appear in Court or other proceedings on behalf of the above client; and to prepare documents on behalf of _____________________________. (Name of Client) ______________________________ (date) _______________________________ (Signature of Judge) -3- American LegalNet, Inc.