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BE-605 (Rev. 05/2015) QUARTERLY SURVEY OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Transactions of U.S. Affiliate with Foreign Parent Mandatory and Confidential Electronic filing & secure messaging: Telephone: E-mail: Mail reports to: U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, BE-49(Q) Washington, DC 20230 Deliver reports to: U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, BE-49(Q) Shipping and Receiving Section, M-100 1441 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 FAX reports to: Copies of form: (202) 606-5319 OMB Control No. 0608-0009: Approval Expires 03/31/2018 BE-605 Identification Number BEA USE ONLY 1 302 Is this report a submission of a past report? 1 1 (202) 606-5577 1 2 Yes No 2 What is the date range and year within which the U.S. affiliate's quarter ends for this report? Mark (X) one and enter year. 1 1 300 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 2 0 2/16�5/15 5/16�8/15 8/16�11/15 11/16�2/15 Year Name and mailing address of the consolidated U.S. affiliate Definitions: Underlined terms are defined on page 16. Due date: 30 days after the close of each calendar or fiscal quarter end; 45 days if the report is for the final quarter of the financial reporting year. Who must report: A Form BE-605 is required from every U.S. business enterprise in which a foreign entity owns, directly and/or indirectly, 10 percent or more of the voting securities of an incorporated U.S. business enterprise, or an equivalent interest of an unincorporated U.S. business enterprise, at any time during the quarter. Reports are required even though the U.S. business enterprise may have been established, acquired, liquidated, sold, or inactivated during the reporting period. Basic requirement: A Form BE-605 must be filed for each 1) directly-owned U.S. affiliate for which total assets; annual sales or gross operating revenues, excluding sales taxes; or annual net income after provision for U.S. income taxes was greater than $60 million (positive or negative) at any time during the affiliate's fiscal reporting year and each 2) indirectly-owned U.S. affiliate that met the $60 million threshold and had an intercompany debt balance with the affiliated foreign group. Exemption: A U.S. affiliate that does not meet the basic requirement above can claim exemption from filing a Form BE-605 by completing this page and the Claim for Exemption, Contact Information, and Certification sections on pages 14 and 15 of this form and returning them to BEA by the due date. If this is an initial filing of the BE-605 report, then also complete and return pages 3 and 5. Monetary Values -- Report in U.S. dollars rounded to thousands (omitting 000). If an item is between + or � $500.00, enter "0." Use parentheses () to indicate negative numbers. EXAMPLE � If amount is $1,334,891.00, report as. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 Bil. Mil. Thous. Dols. 1 335 000 Accounting methods and records: Report items according to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP), unless otherwise specified. Corporations should use the same methods and records that are used to generate reports to stockholders, except where the instructions indicate a deviation from U.S. GAAP. � Reports for unincorporated businesses should be generated on an equivalent basis. � References to Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification topics are indicated with "FASB ASC" and a topic number (for example, FASB ASC 350). Estimates: If actual amounts are not available, supply estimates and label them as such. Faxing your report: When submitting this report via fax, send ONLY those pages on which information is reported, including the front page and the Claim for Exemption section (if completed). DO NOT send pages that only contain instructions. 3 340 Is this the first time the U.S. affiliate is filing a BE-605 report? 1 1 Month Day Year 1 2 341 Yes � Enter the date the U.S. business enterprise became a U.S. affiliate .......................... No 4 343 Is the U.S. affiliate planning to expand, or in the process of expanding, its operations to include a new facility where business is conducted? 1 1 Yes 1 2 No American LegalNet, Inc. Rules for Consolidating the U.S. Affiliate Foreign Parent 10% Foreign United States Consolidated U.S. Affiliate U.S. Entity (A) >50% voting interest U.S. Entity (B) >50% voting interest 50% voting interest U.S. Entity (C) Voting interest is the percent of ownership in the voting securities of an incorporated business enterprise or an equivalent interest in an unincorporated business enterprise, including a branch or partnership. 90% voting interest Foreign Entity 10% voting interest U.S. Entity (E) Foreign Entity (Z) U.S. Entity (D) U.S. Entity (A) should file as the consolidated U.S. affiliate shown in the diagram above. INCLUDE in the consolidation � The U.S. Entity (A) in which no other U.S. entity has more than 50 percent direct voting interest; and � Every U.S. Entity (B) and U.S. Entity (C) in which the U.S. Entity (A), or another consolidated U.S. entity, has more than 50 percent direct voting interest AND in which NO foreign entity, other than this foreign parent, has 10 percent or more direct voting interest. EXCLUDE from the consolidation � All foreign entities, including any Foreign Entity (Z) that is owned by a consolidated U.S. entity; and � Any U.S. Entity (D) in which neither the U.S. Entity (A) nor any other consolidated U.S. entity has more than 50 percent direct voting interest; and � Any U.S. Entity (E) in which a DIFFERENT foreign entity, other than this foreign parent, has 10 percent or more direct voting interest. Hereinafter on this form the consolidated U.S. entities are collectively considered the U.S. affiliate. Report the ownership interest in any U.S. Entity (D), U.S. Entity (E), and Foreign Entity (Z) on an equity basis, if the ownership is at least 20 percent. If less than 20 percent, report the ownership interest as trading securities or availablefor-sale securities in accordance with FASB ASC 320 (formerly FAS 115). Each U.S. Entity (D) and U.S. Entity (E) must file its own Form BE-605, unless it qualifies for exemption. The U.S. affiliate must file a Form BE-577 for each Foreign Entity (Z) in which it has 10 percent or more voting interest, unless it qualifies for exemption. For more information, go to P