Issuers Monthly Accounting Report (GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities Program)
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Issuers Monthly Accounting Report (GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities Program) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Department Of Housing And Urban Development.
Tags: Issuers Monthly Accounting Report (GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), HUD-11710-A, Official Federal Forms US Department Of Housing And Urban Development,
OMB Approval No. 2503-0033 (Exp. 09/30/2010)
U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Issuer’s Monthly
Accounting Report
Government National Mortgage Association
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average less than a minute per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Ginnie Mae may not
collect this information, nor are you required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The information is required by Sec.
306(g) of the National Housing Act or by Ginnie Mae Handbook 5500.3, Rev. 1, for the purpose of providing monthly pool accounting data. The information
collected will not be disclosed outside the Department except as required by law.
Ginnie Mae Pool/Loan Package Number
Reporting Month
Issuer (Name, Address and Zip Code)
Issuer ID Number
Reporting Codes
Section 1 – Pool Administration
of Mtgs.
Pool/Loan Package Activity This Month
Pool Interest
Pool Principal
A. Balances from last report
B. 1. Installment collections
2. Additional principal collections
3. Liquidations-in-full, attach form HUD-11710-E
(Payoffs, FHA/VA/RHS/§184 settlements, etc.)
C. Other (+ or –)
Attach explanation
D. Balances this monthend
E. Total Number
Installments Delinquent
Three or
F. Amount
H. Servicing
G. Amount
Section 1A – Format for Calculating Mortgage Principal Installments Due this Month
A. Fixed Installment
B. Interest
= C. Scheduled Principal (Line A–B)
Section 2 – Schedule of Payments (Principal and Interest)
A. Scheduled Principal
B. Additional Principal
C. Liquidations
F. Cash distribution due holders for interest (Interest rate used
D. Other (+ or –) (Attach explanation)
D. Weighted Average
Interest Rate (if applicable)
E. Total Principal (A through D)
G. Total cash distribution due holders (Sec. 2E + 2F)
H. Deferred interest paid holders (GPM only) $__________________________________
Section 3 – Principal Amount of Securities
A. Principal amount of securities from last report
B. Principal distributed to holders this report (Section 2E)
C. Serial Notes – Principal available for distribution to holders – Attach Form HUD-1710-B
D. Principal of securities this monthend
Section 4 – Remittance Due on Ginnie Mae (Guaranty Fee Rate
A. Ginnie Mae guaranty fee (Opening balance of securities multiplied by annual guaranty rate divided by twelve)
B. Other (explain)
Section 5 – Status of Custodial Funds
A. Name and Address of Custodial Banks
Account Number(s)
Principal and Interest
B. Composition of fund balance at monthend
1. Escrow Funds
2. Principal and Interest
Previous edition is obsolete.
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Submit an original and one copy
3. Other
form HUD-11710-A (01/2006)
ref. Ginnie Mae Handbook 5500.3, Rev. 1
American LegalNet, Inc.