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Property Insurance Requirements Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Department Of Housing And Urban Development.
Tags: Property Insurance Requirements, FHA-2447, Official Federal Forms US Department Of Housing And Urban Development,
(FHA Project No.)
(Street Address)
(Project Name)
(Project Location)
1. Reference is made to the applicable Administrative Regulations of the National Housing Act under which
the mortgage on the above property (a) is insured by the Federal Housing Commissioner in accordance with a
Commitment For Insurance or (b) will be insured by the Federal Housing Commissioner in accordance with a
previously issued Commitment To Insure Upon Completion.
2. This notice is for the purpose of advising the Mortgagee of the Requirements of the Federal Housing
Commissioner as to the types of Property Insurance necessary to be maintained upon the subject property and of the
estimate of the Commissioner of the Total 100% Insurable Value of the property. The attention of the Mortgagee is
directed to the fact that these Requirements, with respect to the types of Property Insurance to be maintained, are
continuous Requirements, as long as any mortgage upon the property is insured by the Federal Housing
Commissioner. It is the duty of the Mortgagee to require of the Mortgagor maintenance of insurance in types and
amounts necessary to comply with the Requirements hereinafter stated and as stated in the insured mortgage. The
attention of the Mortgagee is also directed to the pertaining Administrative Regulations wherein the mortgagee is
obligated to provide Property Insurance coverage on the property in accordance with the terms of the insured
mortgage upon failure of the Mortgagor to do so.
3. (a) Attached hereto and made a part hereof is Property Insurance Schedule, FHA Form No. 2329,
dated __________________________ , constituting the estimate of the Federal Housing Commissioner of the Total
100% Insurable Value of the property. The Property Insurance Schedule of Insurable Values is for the purpose of
estimating the amount of Permanent Insurance, as well as the amount of Builders Risk Insurance.
(b) The Total 100% Insurable Value reflected upon the attached Property Insurance Schedule includes the
cost of excavations, foundations, piers, or other supports which are below the surface of the lowest basement floor
or where there is no basement, which are below the surface of the ground, underground flues, pipes, and drains.
These items are generally excluded from the Property Insurance coverage when it is subject to the provisions of the
Coinsurance Clause or similar clause. If the Builders Risk Insurance or the Permanent Fire and Extended Coverage
Insurance does not insure these items, then an amount acceptable to the Mortgagee may be deducted from the
Federal Housing Commissioner's estimate of the Total 100% Insurable Value for the purpose of estimating the
amount or Builders Risk Insurance or the amount of Permanent Insurance.
form FHA-2447 (3/74)
American LegalNet, Inc.
The Requirements for this type of insurance are inapplicable when a Commitment To Insure Upon
Completion is issued.
(a) Concurrently with or prior to the issuance of mortgage insurance by the Federal Housing
Commissioner of any advance of mortgage proceeds for construction of the property, the Mortgagee shall have in
its possession or control and in full force and effect, the standard form of Builders Risk Insurance policy or policies.
It shall be written upon the standard Builders Risk Completed Value form, for Fire, Extended Coverage and
Vandalism and Malicious Mischief Insurance, in an aggregate amount equal to 100% of the Insurable Value of the
completed building or buildings.
(b) The Builders Risk Insurance policy or policies shall show the Mortgagor as the Insured and may also
show as additional insureds the general contractor and other contractors and subcontractors, as their interests may
appear. Each policy shall carry the standard form of Non-Contribution Mortgage or Mortgagee Clause showing
loss, if any, payable to the Mortgagee (name and address) and the Federal Housing Commissioner, Federal Housing
Administration, Washington, D, C., his successors or assigns, as interest may appear. The original of such policy or
policies shall be retained in the possession or control of the Mortgagee and shall be maintained in full force and
(c) Upon cancellation of the Builders Risk Insurance or any portion thereof, Permanent Insurance shall be
effected as hereinafter stipulated.
(a) Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance shall be provided for the subject property and may be either
blanket coverage or by specific allocations to individual structures. Such insurance shall be evidenced by standard
Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance policy or policies, in amounts not less than necessary to comply with the
applicable Coinsurance Clause percentage, but in no event shall the amounts of coverage be less than 80% of the
Insurable Values or not less than the unpaid balance of the insured mortgage, whichever is the lesser.
(b) The Permanent Insurance policy or policies shall show the Mortgagor as the Insured and shall carry the
standard form of Non-Contribution Mortgage or Mortgagee Clause, showing loss, if any, payable to the Mortgagee
(name and address) and the Federal Housing Commissioner, Federal Housing Administration, Washington, D. C.,
his successors or assigns, as interest may appear. The original of such policy or policies shall be retained in the
possession or control of the Mortgagee and shall be maintained in full force and effect.
(c) BOILER EXPLOSION INSURANCE - If the boiler or boilers located in the subject property are other
than steamboilers, specific Boiler Explosion Insurance generally is not required. If there is a steam boiler or
boilers in operation in connection with the subject property, specific Boiler Explosion Insurance is required. In
determining the adequacy of the amount or amounts of this coverage there must be careful review and consideration
of all the facts and exposures for the purpose of estimating the maximum possible amount of a single loss by steam
boiler explosion. The minimum limit of Boiler Explosion Insurance, when required, is $50,000 per accident, per
location. After due examination of all the related information in any given case, it may be determined this required
minimum limit of $50,000 is inadequate. In that event a greater amount of coverage should be provided.
Determination of such amount is the responsibility of the Mortgagee.
form FHA-2447 (3/74)
American LegalNet, Inc.
-3(d) Boiler Explosion Insurance, as herein required, shall be evidenced by standard form of Boiler and
Machinery policy or policies showing the Mortgagor as the Insured and shall have attached standard Mortgagee
Interest Endorsement, showing loss, if any, on property of the Insured, to be adjusted with and payable to the
Insured and the Mortgagee (name and address) and the Federal Housing Commissioner, Federal Housing
Administration, Washington, D. C., his successors or assigns, as their interests may appear. The original of such
policy or policies shall be retained in the possession or control of the Mortgagee and shall be maintained in full
force and effect.
6. FLOOD INSURANCE. (Required whenever the property is located in an area of special flood hazards in
which flood insurance is available under the National Flood Insurance Act.)
Flood insurance shall be provided for the subject property during the term of the mortgage loan. The
insurance shall be in an amount at least equal to the outstanding principal balance of the loan, or the maximum
amount of insurance available with respect to the project under the National Flood Insurance Act, whichever is
lesser. The policy shall show the mortgagor as insured and shall show loss, if any, payable to the Mortgagee (name
and address) and the Federal Housing Commissioner, Washington , D. C., his successors or assigns, as their
interests may appear. The original of such policy or policies shall be retained in the possession or control of the
mortgagee and shall be maintained in full force and effect.
The acceptability of insurance carriers, types of coverage and the forms, conditions, amounts and scope of
insurance policies are responsibilities of the Mortgagee. The Federal Housing Commissioner does not require that
any duplicate policies, certificates or memoranda of insurance or other evidence of the foregoing insurance
coverages be submitted to him or to any of his field offices or authorized agents.
(a) Loss settlement drafts and checks in settlement of losses sustained under any of the aforementioned types
of insurance coverages shall always include the Mortgagee and the Federal Housing Commissioner as payees.
(b) Loss settlement drafts and checks should be forwarded to the Federal Housing Administration Field Office
Director having jurisdiction over the area in which the property sustaining the loss is situated, and he is responsible
for the endorsement and release of such instruments on behalf of the Federal Housing Commissioner.
(Authorized Agent)
form FHA-2447 (3/74)
American LegalNet, Inc.