Title II Lender Application Fee Cover Sheet
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Title II Lender Application Fee Cover Sheet Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Department Of Housing And Urban Development.
Tags: Title II Lender Application Fee Cover Sheet, HUD-11701-B, Official Federal Forms US Department Of Housing And Urban Development,
Application Fee for Title II
Mortgagee Approval,
Additional Branch(es), or
Conversion of Mortgagee Type
U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban
Office of Housing / Federal
Housing Commissioner
OMB Approval No. 2502-0005
(exp. 03/31/2009)
This form MUST accompany all application fee payments. Mail this form and your check
to: HUD, P. O. Box 198619, Atlanta, GA 30384. A copy should be included with your
Mortgagee Name:
Federal Tax Identification Number: (10 digits)
HUD/FHA Title II Identification Number: (10 digits)
(if applicable)
Type of application: (please check the appropriate box)
Initial Application ($1,000)
Additional Branch ($300)
Conversion of Mortgagee Type ($300)
Mortgagees seeking first time approval (initial applications) must enter their federal tax
identification number in the memo portion of the check. Mortgagees filing all other types
of applications should put their Title II 10-digit HUD/FHA identification number in the
memo portion of the check.
ublic Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.05 hours per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. The information requested on this form is required by 24 CFR Part
202. The information collected assists FHA in determining which lenders should be approved to participate in the FHA
single and multifamily insurance programs. It is used to help FHA minimize its risk in insuring single family and multifamily
mortgages to minimize its risk. Applicants are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a currently
valid approved OMB control number is displayed.
Form HUD-11701-B (4/07)
American LegalNet, Inc.