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U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review Office of Legal Access Programs OMB#1125-0013 Request by Organization for Accreditation or Renewal of Accreditation of Non-Attorney Representative GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Please read carefully before completing and submitting Form EOIR-31A A. When to submit a Form EOIR-31A: � Organizations must use this form (Form EOIR-31A) to request new accreditation or renewal of accreditation for a non-attorney representative to provide immigration legal services on behalf of the organization's clients before the EOIR (i.e., the Immigration Courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), or before DHS only. For renewal of accreditation, an organization must submit this form (Form EOIR-31A) on or before the expiration date of the individual's accreditation. Accreditation is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of approval. A representative's accreditation may remain valid pending OLAP's determination on the request to renew accreditation, provided the request for renewal is received on or before the expiration date. A separate request for accreditation (Form EOIR-31A) must be submitted for each proposed representative. Organizations must use a different form, Form EOIR-31, to request recognition as a non-profit religious, charitable, social service, or similar organization approved to designate a representative or representatives to provide immigration legal services on behalf of its clients before EOIR and DHS, or before DHS only. � � � B. Where to submit a Form EOIR-31A: R&A Coordinator Office of Legal Access Programs Executive Office for Immigration Review 5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 1900 Falls Church, VA 22041 C. How to request accreditation of a representative using Form EOIR-31A: Part 1. � Provide the organization's complete name, including any other names under which it is doing business or that it previously used to request recognition or accreditation. Also, provide the organization's contact information. The organization's street address must be provided; a post office box number is not acceptable. Only an organization simultaneously requesting new recognition or renewing recognition, or an organization that has already received recognition, may request accreditation for an individual. Check the appropriate box on the form. If currently recognized, provide the date of the organization's last approval of recognition. Form EOIR-31A Rev. Jan. 2017 American LegalNet, Inc. � For more information about requesting accreditation visit the EOIR website at: Page 1 of 4 C. How to request accreditation of a representative using Form EOIR-31A (continued): Part 2. � � Provide the name of the proposed representative and any other names this individual is known by or has ever been known by. Indicate whether the individual has been previously accredited with a different recognized organization. If so, list the name(s) of the other recognized organization(s) for which the individual serves or has served as an accredited representative and the date(s) of last approval of accreditation. Attach additional sheets of paper, if necessary. Part 3. � Check the type of accreditation (partial or full) sought for this individual. Full accreditation authorizes a representative to appear on behalf of clients before DHS, the Immigration Courts and the BIA. Partial accreditation authorizes a representative to appear on behalf of clients before DHS only. Part 4. � Subsection A. Eligibility for accreditation requires the character and fitness to represent clients in immigration matters before DHS, or the Immigration Courts and the BIA, or all three immigration agencies. Provide documentation to show that the individual possesses the required character and fitness, such as character references from professionals in the community, employment references, and criminal background checks. Subsection B. Provide documentation to demonstrate that the individual possesses broad knowledge and adequate experience in immigration and nationality law, practice, and procedure. Include a resume or description of the individual's qualifications, including education and immigration law experience. Eligibility for initial accreditation, whether partial or full, requires letters of recommendation from at least two persons familiar with the individual's qualifications and at least one formal training course designed to give new practitioners a solid overview of the fundamentals of immigration law, practice, and procedure. Additional formal training courses in specific topics of immigration law and/or practical experience is highly recommended. Information regarding formal legal training includes (at a minimum) the title of the training, the provider's name, date(s) and duration of the training, the names and titles of presenters, the topics covered, whether the training was attended in person or through other means, and whether the training was open to the public. Provide certificates of completion and the results of any tests taken during training, if available. Subsection C. Eligibility for full accreditation requires � in addition to the above requirements � formal training courses, education, and/or experience showing oral and written trial and appellate advocacy skills. If the requirements for full accreditation are not met, only partial accreditation may be approved. Subsection D. To be accredited, the proposed representative must: (1) be an employee or volunteer of the organization; (2) not be a licensed attorney in the United States; (3) not have resigned while a disciplinary investigation or proceeding is pending, (4) not be subject to any order disbarring, suspending, enjoining, restraining, or otherwise restricting him or her in the practice of law or representation before a court or any administrative agency; and (5) not have been convicted of a serious crime anywhere in the world. The Form EOIR-31A Rev. Jan. 2017 American LegalNet, Inc. � � � For more information about requesting accreditation visit the EOIR website at: Page 2 of 4 proposed representative and authorized officer must attest in Part 6 of the form that the applicant for accreditation meets these eligibility requirements. C. How to request accreditation of a representative using Form EOIR-31A (continued): Part 5. Complete this part