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Request For Service Abroad Of Judicial Extrajudicial Documents Pursuant To The Additional Protocol Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Marshals Office US Department Of Justice.
Tags: Request For Service Abroad Of Judicial Extrajudicial Documents Pursuant To The Additional Protocol, USM-272, Official Federal Forms US Department Of Justice, US Marshals Office
REQUEST FOR SERVICE ABROAD OF JUDICIAL OR EXTRAJUDICIAL DOCUMENTS PURSUANT TO THE ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE INTER-AMERICAN CONVENTION ON LETTERS ROGATORY FORM A 1 LETTER ROGATORY 1 2 REQUESTING JUDICIAL OR OTHER PLAINTIFF: ADJUDICATORY AUTHORITY v. DEFENDANT: Name DOCKET No: Address Line 1: Address Line 2: Address Line 3: Address Line 4: 3 4 CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ORIGIN STATE OF DESTINATION Name: Name: Address Line 1: Address Line 1: Address Line 2: Address Line 2: Address Line 3: Address Line 3: Address Line 4: Address Line 4: 5 6 REQUESTING PARTY COUNSEL TO THE REQUESTING PARTY Name: Name: Address Line 1: Address Line 2: Address Line 1: Address Line 3: Address Line 2: Address Line 4: Address Line 3: Address Line 4: PERSON DESIGNATED TO ACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE LETTER ROGATORY Name: Is this person responsible for costs and expenses? Yes No If not, check in the amount of $____________ Address Line 1: is attached. Address Line 2: (Or proof of payment is attached.) Address Line 3: Address Line 4: 1 Complete the original and two copies of this form; if A (1) is applica
ble, attach the original and two copies of the translation of this item in the language of the State of destination. 1 >>>> 2 The Central Authority signing the letter rogatory has the honor to transmit to you in triplicate the documents listed below and, in conformity with the protocol to the Inter-American Convention on Letters Rogatory: * A. Requests their prompt service on: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ The undersigned authority requests the service be carried out in the following manner: * (1) In accordance with the special procedure or additional formalities that are described below, as provided for in the second paragraph of Article 10 of the above mentioned Convention; or __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ * (2) By service personally on the identified addressee or, in the case of a legal entity, on its authorized agent; or * (3) If the person or the authorized agent of the entity to be served is not found, service shall be made in accordance with the law of the State of destination. * B. Requests the delivery of the documents listed below to the following judicial or administrative authority: Authority: ___________________________________________________
_______ ______________________________________________________________
_____ ______________________________________________________________
_____ * C. Requests the Central Authority of the State of destination to return to the Central Authority of the State of origin one copy of the documents listed below and attached to this letter rogatory, and an executed Certificate of the attached Form C. Done at ________________this_________date of_______________________,
20___ ______________________________ ___________________
___________ Signature and stamp of the Signature and stamp of the judicial or other adjudicatory Central Authority of the authority of the State of origin State of origin Title or other identification of each document to be delivered: ________________________________________________________________________
(Attach additional pages, if necessary) *Delete if inapplicable 2 >>>> 3 ANNEX T O THE ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE INTER-AMERICAN CONVE NTION OF LETTERS RAGOTORY F ORM B 1 ESSENTIAL INFORMATION FOR THE ADDRESSEE To (Name and address of the person being served)_____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ You are hereby informed that (Brief statement of nature of service) _______________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ A copy of the letter rogatory that gives rise to the service or delivery of these documents is attached to this document. This copy also contains essential information for you. Also attached are copies of the complaint or pleading initiating the action in which the letter rogatory was issued, of the documents attached to the complaint or pleading, and of any rulings that ordered the issuance of the letter rogatory. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I* FOR SERVI CE A. The document being served on you (original or copy) concerns the following: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ B. The remedies sought or the amount in dispute is as follows: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ C. By this service, you are requested: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ D. * In case of service on you as a defendant you answer the complaint before the judicial or other adjudicatory authority specified in Form A, Box 1 (State place, date and hour):________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ * You are being summoned to appear as:__________________________
______ __________________________________________________________________ 1 Complete the original and two copies of this form in the language of the State of origin and two copies in the language of the State of destination. * Delete if applicable. 3 >>>> 4 * If some other action is being requested of the person served, please describe:_____ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ E. If you fail to comply, the consequences might be: _________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ F. You are hereby i