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Application For Permanent Employment Certification Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Dept Of Labor.
Tags: Application For Permanent Employment Certification, ETA-9089, Official Federal Forms US Dept Of Labor,
OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Expiration Date: 11/30/2017 Application for Permanent Employment Certi cation ETA Form 9089 U.S. Department of Labor Please read and review the ling instructions before completing this form. A copy of the instructions can be found at Employing or continuing to employ an alien unauthoriz ed to work in the United States is illegal and may subject the employer to criminal pros ecution, civil money penalties, or both. A. Re ling Instructions 1. Are you seeking to utilize the ling date from a previously submitted Application for Alien Employment Certi cation (ETA 750)? 1-A. If Yes, enter the previous ling date 1-B. Indicate the previous SWA or local o ce case originally led: B. Schedule A or Sheepherder Information Yes If Yes, do NOT send this application to the Department of Labor. All applications in support of Schedule A or Sheepherder Occupations must be sent directly to the appropriate Department of Homeland Security o ce. C. Employer Information (Headquarters or Main O ce) 1. Employer's name 2. Address 1 Address 2 3. City 4. Phone number 5. Number of employees 7. FEIN( Federal Employer Identi cation Number) State/Province Extension 6. Year commenced business 8. NAICS Code Yes No Country Postal code 1. Is this application in support of a Schedule A or Sheepherder Occupation? No number OR if not available, Yes No specify state where case was 9. Is the employer a closely held corporatio n, partnership, or sole proprietorship in which the alien has an ownership interest, or is there a familial relationship between the owners, stockholders, corporate o cers, incorporators, or partners, and the alien? D. Employer Contact Information (This section must be f illed out. This information must be di erent from the agent or attorney information listed in Section E). 1. Contact's last name 2. Address 1 Address 2 3. City 4. Phone number 5. E-mail address State/Province Extension Country Postal code First name Middle initial ETA Form 9089 This Certi cation is valid from ____________ ___to_______ _________ Page 1 of American LegalNet, Inc. OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Expiration Date: 11/30/2017 E. Agent or Attorney In Application for Permanent Employment Certi cation ETA Form 9089 U.S. Department of Labor First name Middle initial formation (If applicable) 1. Agent or attorney's last name 2. Firm name 3. Firm EIN 5. Address 1 Address 2 6. City 7. E-mail address State/Province 4. Phone number Extension Country Postal code F. Prevailing Wage Information (as provided by the State Workforce Agency) 1. Prevailing wage tracking number (if applicable) 3. Occupation Title 5. Prevailing wage Per: (Choose only one) Bi-Weekly DBA Month SCA Year Other 2. SOC/O*NET(OES) code 4. Skill Level Week Hour 6. Prevailing wage source (Choose only one) OES CBA Employer Conducted Survey 6-A. If Other is indicated in question 6, specify: 7. Determination date 8. Expiration date $ G. Wage O er Information 1. O ered wage From: To: (Optional) Per: (Choose only one) Hour Week Bi-Weekly Month Year $ $ H. Job Opportunity Information (Where work will be performed) 1. Primary worksite (where work is to be performed) address 1 Address 2 2. City 3. Job title 4. Education: minimum level required: None High School Associate's Bachelor's Master's Doctorate Other 4-A. If Other is indicated in ques 4-B. Major eld of study 5. Is training required for the job opportunity? No Yes 5-A. If Yes, num ber of months of training required: tion 4, specify the education required: State Postal code ETA Form 9089 This Certi cation is valid from ____________ ___to_______ _________ Page 2 of American LegalNet, Inc. OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Expiration Date: 11/30/2017 Application for Permanent Employment Certification ETA Form 9089 U.S. Department of Labor H. Job Opportunity Information Continued 5-B. Indicate the field of training: 6. Is experience in the job offered required for the job? Yes No Yes No 7. Is there an alternate field of study that is acceptable? 7-A. If Yes, specify the major field of study: 8. Is there an alternate combination of education and experience that is acceptable? 8-A. If Yes, specify the alternate level of education required: None High School Associate's Bachelor's Master's Doctorate Other 8-B. If Other is indicated in question 8-A, indicate the alternate level of education required: 8-C. If applicable, indicate the number of years experience acceptable in question 8: 9. Is a foreign educational equivalent acceptable? 10. Is experience in an alternate occupation acceptable? Yes No Yes No Yes No 6-A. If Yes, number of months experience required: 10-A. If Yes, number of months experience in alternate occupation required: 10-B. Identify the job title of the acceptable alternate occupation: 11. Job duties � If submitting by mail, add attachment if necessary. Job duties description must begin in this space. 12. Are the job opportunity's requirements normal for the occupation? If the answer to this question is No, the employer must be prepared to provide documentation demonstrating that the job requirements are supported by business necessity. 13. Is knowledge of a foreign language required to perform the job duties? Yes No Yes No If the answer to this question is Yes, the employer must be prepared to provide documentation demonstrating that the language requirements are supported by business necessity. 14. Specific skills or other requirements � If submitting by mail, add attachment if necessary. Skills description must begin in this space. ETA Form 9089 This Certification is valid from ____________ ___to_______ _________ Page 3 of American LegalNet, Inc. OMB Approval: 1205-0451 Expiration Date: 11/30/2017 Application for Permanent Employment Certification ETA Form 9089 U.S. Department of Labor H. Job Opportunity Information Continued 15. Does this application involve a job opportunity that includes a combination of occupations? 16. Is the position identified in this application being offered to the alien identified in Section J? 17. Does the job require the alien to live on the employer's premises? 18. Is the application for a live-in household domestic service worker? 18-A. If Yes, have the employer and the alien executed the required employment contract and has the employer provided a copy of the contract to the alien? I. Recruitment Information a. Occupation Type � All must compl