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Report Of Changes That May Affect Your Black Lung Benefits Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in US Dept Of Labor.
Tags: Report Of Changes That May Affect Your Black Lung Benefits, CM-929P, Official Federal Forms US Dept Of Labor,
Complete, sign, date, and return the enclosed REPORT OF CHANGES form, in the envelope provided,
to your Black Lung District Office within 30 days of receipt. The form contains information the Department of
Labor has concerning the beneficiary’s Black Lung benefits claim. If the information is not correct, please
supply the correct information in the spaces provided on the form.
Failure to return this form could result in the suspension or termination of benefits.
If you have any questions about this form, please call your Black Lung Office at the toll-free 800-number
appearing at the top of this page.
The law requires you to report immediately any of the following events regarding the beneficiary:
1. Marriage
2. Divorce
7. Change in school attendance of dependent
children age 18 or older
3. Birth or adoption of dependent child
8. Return to work
4. Marriage of dependent child
9. Increased earnings
5. Death of spouse/child
10. Filing for or receipt of State of other Federal
Workers’ Compensation Benefits
6. Disability of child (any age)
These events could affect the amount of the beneficiary’s monthly check. If not reported timely and the
beneficiary is overpaid, you may have to pay back the benefits that you incorrectly received. If the information
on the form is not correct, you must correct that information.
Your Responsibility as a Representative Payee
Your job as a representative payee is to use the Black Lung benefits you receive for the personal care and
well-being of the beneficiary. You must keep yourself informed of the beneficiary’s needs so you can decide
how the benefits should be used. You must contact the U.S. Department of Labor when the beneficiary
changes residence or if you no longer exercise responsibility for the care and welfare of the beneficiary. You
must report the beneficiary’s death, marriage, adoption, employment, or release from a hospital or institution.
You must also report the beneficiary’s receipt of any State Workers’ Compensation Benefits and changes in
school attendance or disability status, if the person for whom you receive benefits is a student or disabled.
Whoever, having received a payment for the use and benefit of another person, knowingly and willfully uses
such payment for other than the use and benefit of the person for whom it is received, is subject to a fine, or
imprisonment or both. Benefits shall be held in an interest bearing account which shows that the money
belongs to the beneficiary, i.e., “Your name for beneficiary”, “Beneficiary’s name by your name”, “Your name
on-behalf-of (OBO) beneficiary,” etc. If you are not sure whether the account you have established shows
this ownership, you should consult your bank and, if necessary, change the account title appropriately.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Representative Payee Reporting Instructions
All representative payees are required to account annually. This is your Representative Payee Report. You
must complete and return the report whether you are the beneficiary’s relative, friend, or court-appointed
guardian, or you are an official of a bank or a public or private agency or institution. You should keep a record
of the amount of benefits you received and how you used them, because the report will be reviewed by the
US Department of Labor and is subject to verification. You will be notified if verification is required. DO NOT
submit receipts, canceled checks, etc., with this report. If you need help completing the report, please contact
the office listed above by mail or telephone. THIS REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED
Medical Benefit Information
If the beneficiary is a miner, the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is responsible for payment of his black
lung-related medical expenses. However, if the beneficiary also receives benefits for a black lung condition
from a state or another Federal workers’ compensation program, the black lung-related medical expenses may
be paid, partially or totally, by the party who pays those benefits.
Unless another party is responsible for payment of the black lung-related medical expenses, the miner should
continue to use the Black Lung Identification Card (the red and white card) when receiving medical treatment for
his/her black lung condition. Examples of black lung-related medical services are: hospitalizations, doctor’s
office visits, medically prescribed drugs, certain types of medical equipment (such as oxygen machines), home
nursing services, pulmonary rehabilitation, and the reasonable cost for travel to and from a medical facility for
the treatment of the black lung condition.
If you have any questions concerning the medical coverage for the miner’s black lung condition, you should
contact your Black Lung District Office at the toll-free 800-number appearing at the top left corner of page 1.
Computer Matching Program
The Department of Labor will match this information by computer with the Social Security Administration. Any
information provided by applicants for and recipients of financial assistance or payments under Federal benefits
programs may be subject to verification by Department of Labor computer matches with these agencies.
The following statement is made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a).
This report is authorized by law (30 USC 922 section 20 CFR 725.513). Your cooperation is needed to insure
that Black Lung benefits are being received in the correct amount and that the beneficiary’s needs are being
met. Failure to provide all or part of the information could prevent an accurate and timely decision as to your
continued suitability as representative payee. The information you furnish on this form may be routinely
disclosed without your consent to another person or government agency for purposes such as (1) to comply
with Federal laws requiring the release of information from our records; or (2) to conduct research and audit
activities needed to assure the continuing integrity and improvement of the U.S. Department of Labor
representative payee program. Other routine disclosures of information are listed in the Federal Register,
which will be made available upon request.
We estimate that it will take an average of 65 minutes per response to complete this collection of information,
including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data
needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this
collection is required to obtain or retain a benefit. If you have any comments regarding these estimates or any
other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, send them to the
U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation, Room N-3464, 200 Constitution
Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210.
Note: Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid
OMB control number.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Report of Changes That May Affect
Your Black Lung Benefits
Department of Labor
OMB No.: 1240-0028
Expires: 09-30-2014
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This ANNUAL REPORT OF CHANGES must be completed, signed,
dated, and returned within thirty (30) days of receipt. Below, you will find information about your Federal Black
Lung Benefits. If the information is not correct or if you have changes to report, enter the new information in the
space provided below each statement or question.
1. If you or the beneficiary have changed an address or telephone number, please provide the new
information below. Even if black lung benefits are received by direct deposit, we must have correct
addresses so we can send letters and other important information.
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________ Telephone Number:____________________
2. Please list below the name and telephone number of a relative or close friend whom you would wish us to
contact if you were unable to contact us regarding the beneficiary’s benefits.
3. The monthly black lung benefit payment for the beneficiary is $
4. Check the proper box below regarding any changes to the beneficiary’s marital status in the last year.
□ No change in the last year (If you check this block, please proceed to question #5)
□ Death of Spouse – Date of death _________________
□ Separation from Spouse – Date of Separation ______________
□ Divorce – Date of Divorce _________________
□ Marriage – Date of Marriage ___________ Name of Spouse _________________________
Social Security Number of Spouse_________________________
5. During the last twelve months, if any children who receive Federal Black Lung benefits along with the
beneficiary had a change in their condition(s), please provide the following information.
Child’s name
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Date of Birth
Date of
Date School
Attendance Ended
Date Disability
Date of Death
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American LegalNet, Inc.
6. In addition to Black Lung Benefits, if the beneficiary also receives payment from another Federal or a
State Workers’ Compensation program, please provide the following information.
Amount received from other Federal or State Compensation program: $______________;
How often do you receive this benefit? □ Weekly
□ Every Two Weeks
□ Monthly
7. For coal miners under age 65, and disabled adult children, only: If the beneficiary is working and earning
money from any type of employment, please give us the following information.
Employer: _________________________________________
Total earnings last calendar year: $___________
Estimated earnings for this year: $____________
Beneficiary-Representative Payee Relationship
8. Check below all places the beneficiary lived during the report period shown above.
With you (private residence) – Go to question 9 below.
Any other location – Go to questions 10 through 18 (Skip question 9)
9. Note: After answering this question, go next to question 19 (skip questions 10 through 18)
a. Have you lived in the same household as the beneficiary for the entire period?
If no, please explain under comments below.
b. How are you related to the beneficiary? ________________________________________
c. Were all of the beneficiary’s benefits received during this period used or saved
for the beneficiary? If no, please explain under comments below.
d. Were the benefits spent for the beneficiary on items other than food, shelter and
personal needs? If yes, please explain below under comments.
10. Give the name and address of each person with whom the beneficiary lived during the reporting period.
Name and Address
Date of residence:
11. How did you find out what the beneficiary’s needs were, if the beneficiary did not live with you?
12. Do you maintain contact with the beneficiary by:
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Black Lung Benefit Accounting
We advised when you were selected as representative payee for the beneficiary, that you are
required to account annually for the Federal Black Lung benefits received and spent. Please
complete the following questions; do not submit receipts, cancelled checks, etc., with this report.
(You will be notified later if verification is required)
Accounting for the Period:
13. Funds on hand from Black Lung benefits at beginning of this report period: If
you have filed a previous U.S. Department of Labor Black Lung Representative
Payee accounting report, this amount should be the same as the figure shown on
your last report (item 18) as remaining balance.
a. Amount used for beneficiary’s food and shelter:
(Show in “Remarks” section of this report the name and address of the any
person or entity receiving food and shelter payments.)
b. Amount used for beneficiary’s clothing:
c. Amount used for beneficiary’s medical and dental care:
d. Amount used for personal needs of the beneficiary:
e. Amount used for support of beneficiary’s dependents:
f. Amount used for other items: (show purpose for which funds were used
in “Remarks” section of this report): . . . . . . . . .
17. Total amount used during the reporting period (Add 16a through 16f):
18. Balance remaining at the end of this period (item 15 minus item 17)
14. Total Black Lung benefits received during the reporting period:
15. Total Black Lung funds available during this reporting period: (Item 13 plus 14)
16. How available Black Lung benefits were used during the reporting period:
19. How is balance of the funds, if any, held, saved, or invested?
Checking Account:
Insured savings account:
U. S. Savings Bonds:
Other (Specify):
Name(s) that appears on each account. *
* Benefits shall be held in an interest bearing account which shows that the money belongs to the
beneficiary, i.e., “Your name for beneficiary”, “Beneficiary’s name by your name”, “Your name on-behalf-of
(OBO) beneficiary,” etc. If you are not sure whether the account you have established shows this
ownership, you should consult your bank and, if necessary, change the account title appropriately.
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20. If all benefits received during this reporting period were held, saved, or invested, please explain how
the beneficiary’s needs were met:
21. During this period, did the beneficiary have any other benefits/income than U.S. Department of Labor
Black Lung Benefits?
No If “Yes”, please indicate the source of the income:
Source_____________________________________________ Amount__________________
Frequency of Payment_________________________________________________________
Source_____________________________________________ Amount__________________
Frequency of Payment_________________________________________________________
22. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
If yes, explain below in remarks section.
23. This form must be signed and dated.
I certify that all of the information is correct to the best of my knowledge. If you conceal or fail to disclose a
reporting event with an intent to obtain benefits fraudulently, either in a greater amount or when no
payment is authorized, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both, as provided in 30 U.S.C. 941. The penalty
for the misuse of benefits by a representative payee is a fine and/or imprisonment for up to five (5) years
for the first offense, pursuant to Public Law 98-450. A second offense is punishable by up to five (5) years
of imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding $25,000. The court may also order restitution.
_________________________________________ ________________________
Representative Payee’s Signature/Mark
Witness signatures are required only if the payee’s signature above has been signed by mark (X).
Witness’ Signature
Witness’ Signature
Comments/Additional Information:
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American LegalNet, Inc.