Training Nomination And Employee Assessment Delegated Examing Training
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Training Nomination And Employee Assessment Delegated Examing Training Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in OPM US Office Of Personnel Management.
Tags: Training Nomination And Employee Assessment Delegated Examing Training, OPM 1674, Official Federal Forms US Office Of Personnel Management, OPM
U.S. Office of Personnel Management TRAINING NOMINATION FORM Initial Delegated Examining Certification Training Location of Training: First Choice Second Choice Training Dates: First Choice (MM/DD/YY) Second Choice (MM/DD/YY) Name of Nominee: Pay Plan: Series: Grade: Title: Email: Type of Employment: Current Federal Employee Years Contractor Months Length of Federal Staffing Experience: If length of Federal staffing experience is less than 6 months, please indicate below the titles of Federal staffing courses you have successfully completed. (You may be asked to provide a copy of the certification for verification.) Do you need special accommodations? No Yes (specify): Agency Name: Agency Address: DEU ID Number: Agency Point-of-Contact (if different from nominee): Phone: Nominee's Signature: Date: Supervisor's Name: Supervisor's Signature: Date: OPM 1674 October 2014 American LegalNet, Inc.