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Health Benefits Cancellation-Suspension Confirmation Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Retirement And Insurance US Office Of Personnel Management.
Tags: Health Benefits Cancellation-Suspension Confirmation, RI 79-9, Official Federal Forms US Office Of Personnel Management, Retirement And Insurance
WASHINGTON, DC 20415-3532
For CSRS and FERS Annuitants, Survivor Annuitants, and Former Spouse Annuitants
Claim number
Health Benefits Cancellation/Suspension Confirmation
You asked us to cancel or suspend your enrollment in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). Please
read the front and back of this form and check only the ONE block that applies to you. Because many annuitants who cancel
their FEHBP enrollments will not be eligible to reenroll, we want to be sure you are fully informed about the effect of any
action you take. We will not process your request until you sign, date, and return this form indicating that you understand
how your request will affect your future FEHBP enrollment eligibility. Any Questions? Call OPM at 1-888-767-6738.
I am cancelling my FEHBP enrollment to be covered under a family member's FEHBP enrollment.
If you are cancelling your FEHBP enrollment because you will be covered under your spouse's FEHBP enrollment
and your spouse is a Federal employee, please include with this form a copy of your spouse's SF 2809, Health
Benefits Registration Form, showing the change to a family enrollment. If your spouse is an annuitant, please give
us your spouse's name and annuity claim number.
Spouse's name (Last, first, middle)
Spouse's claim number
If you cancel FEHBP coverage for this reason, we will coordinate the effective date with the effective date of your
new coverage under your spouse's enrollment.
Reenrollment eligibility: As long as you are continuously covered as a family member on your spouse's FEHBP
enrollment, you will be eligible to resume your own enrollment if your coverage under your spouse's enrollment
ends for any reason.
I am cancelling my FEHBP coverage for reasons other than the situation described in part A.
We will cancel your enrollment effective the end of the month in which we receive this signed and dated form. Any
health benefits premiums you pay for a period after the cancellation effective date will be refunded in one of your
future monthly annuity payments.
Reenrollment eligibility: If you check this block to cancel your FEHB enrollment, you will not be eligible to reenroll
in the FEHBP. Additionally, if you cancel your FEHBP enrollment, you and any family members covered by your
enrollment will not be entitled to the free 31-day extension of coverage to convert to an individual health benefits
contract or to enroll for Temporary Continuation of Coverage.
I certify that I have read and understand the information on cancelling FEHBP coverage. I understand that if I checked block B, I will
never again be eligible to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
Daytime Telephone No. (including area code)
Previous editions are not usable.
RI 79-9
Revised September 2005
American LegalNet, Inc.
I am suspending my Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) enrollment because I am enrolled
in a Medicare + Choice health plan. Please note: Medicare Parts A and B are not the same as a Medicare + Choice
health plan. You CANNOT suspend your FEHBP enrollment if you are covered by Medicare Parts A and/or B only. Any
Questions: Call Medicare at 1-800-633-4227.
These Medicare + Choice health plans are Health Maintenance Organizations or Fee-For-Service plans approved
by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). If you are enrolled in a Medicare supplemental plan and
are not sure if it qualifies as a Medicare + Choice health plan, call Medicare at the number shown above. To
suspend your FEHBP coverage for this reason, you must give us documentation that shows the effective date of
your Medicare + Choice health plan coverage. If we receive this form within 31 days before to 31 days after the
effective date of your Medicare + Choice health plan enrollment, we will suspend your FEHBP coverage at the close
of business the day before your Medicare + Choice health plan enrollment begins. Otherwise, we will suspend your
FEHBP coverage at the end of the month in which we receive your documentation.
I am suspending my FEHBP enrollment to use TRICARE, TRICARE for Life (enrollees over age 65 with
Medicare Parts A and B), Peace Corps, or CHAMPVA. Please suspend my FEHBP enrollment effective
_______________________________. (Carefully consider the effective date of your suspension. Once we
process your request, we are not able to change the effective date.)
To suspend your FEHBP coverage for this reason, you must give us evidence of your eligibility for TRICARE,
TRICARE for Life, Peace Corps, or CHAMPVA. Please send us a copy of your Uniformed Services Identification
(I.D.) card and if over age 65, you must also send us a copy of your Medicare card showing enrollment in both
Medicare Parts A and B (required for TRICARE for Life). To document your eligibility for CHAMPVA, please send us
a copy of your CHAMPVA Authorization Card (A-card). Please tell us the date you want to suspend your FEHBP to
use TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, Peace Corps, or CHAMPVA. Special note: If we receive this signed form and the
eligibility documentation within 31 days before to 31 days after the date you designate above, we will suspend your
FEHBP coverage on that date. Otherwise, we will suspend your FEHBP coverage at the end of the month in which
we receive your documentation.
I am suspending my FEHBP enrollment because I am eligible for coverage under Medicaid or a similar
state-sponsored program of medical assistance for the needy.
To suspend your FEHBP coverage for this reason, you must give us evidence of your eligibility for Medicaid or a
similar state-sponsored program of medical assistance for the needy. You may send us a copy of an enrollment
card or a letter of eligibility which shows the effective date of your Medicaid or similar state-sponsored program
coverage. If we receive this signed form and documentation within 31 days before to 31 days after the effective date
of your Medicaid or similar state-sponsored enrollment, we will suspend your FEHBP coverage at the close of
business the day before your Medicaid or state-sponsored program coverage begins. Otherwise, we will suspend
your FEHBP coverage at the end of the month in which we receive your documentation.
The following information applies to blocks C, D and E.
Reenrollment: You may voluntarily reenroll in the FEHBP during an annual open season. We will send you an
open season package each year with instructions on how to reenroll. If you don't want to reenroll, disregard your
open season material.
If you involuntarily lose your coverage under one of the programs mentioned above, you can reenroll in the FEHBP
effective the day after your coverage ends. You must provide evidence of your involuntary loss of coverage. Your
request to reenroll must be received at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) within the period beginning 31
days before and ending 60 days after your coverage ends. Otherwise, you must wait until open season to reenroll.
I certify that I have read and understand the information on suspending FEHBP coverage. I have checked the block relating to my
suspension, and I have enclosed the appropriate documentation.
Daytime Telephone No. (including area code)
Reverse of RI 79-9
Revised September 2005
American LegalNet, Inc.