Monthly Report Of Federal Civilian Employment
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Monthly Report Of Federal Civilian Employment Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Standard US Office Of Personnel Management.
Tags: Monthly Report Of Federal Civilian Employment, SF-113A, Official Federal Forms US Office Of Personnel Management, Standard
Figures for Chapter II. Monthly Report of Federal Civilian Employnent (SF 113-A) FIGURE 2 Standard Form 113-A (Rev. 7/97) U.S. Office of Personnel Management The 113 Summary Data Reporting System II-25 Monthly Report of Federal Civilian Employment 1. Department or Agency 2. Code (OPM Use) 3. Other Organizational Unit 4. Code (OPM Use) 5. Period Covered a. Employment As Of: (Use a 6-digit number to indicate month, day, and year in items a, b, and c below. Example: 12/31/94) c. Turnover b. Payroll From To From To Overseas Employment, Payroll, and Turnover SECTION I - CURRENT STATUS 1. Grand Total Employment 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Total in Permanent Positions Full-Time Full-Time in Permanent Positions Full-Time With Permanent Appointments Part-Time Part-Time with Permanent Appointments Intermittent Competitive Service With Permanant Appointments Excepted Service & Sr. Executive Serv. With Permanant Appointments Wage Systems U.S. Citizens Noncitizens Total Intermittents Not Working United States Wash., D.C. Metro Area (D) Outside Wash, D.C. Metro Area (E) All Areas (A) Territories of the U.S. (B) Foreign Countries (C) SECTION II - PAYROLL (in thousands of dollars. For example: 1,213,600 should appear 1,214) 17. 18. Wages and Salaries Earned - Total Lump Sum Payments SECTION III - TURNOVER 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Total Accessions Transfers Total New Hires Accessions to the Competitive Service New Hires to the Competitive Serv. U.S. Citizens Total Separations Transfers Quits U.S. Citizens SECTION IV - DATA EXCLUDING SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIES 29. 30. 31. Total Employment Full-Time With Permanent Appts. Total Payroll Certified by (Signature) Official Position Location & Telephone No. Date (M-D-Y) Reports should be submitted to: Workforce Information Team Statistical Analysis and Services Division, Office of Personnel Management 1900 E Street, NW., Washington, DC 20415. Attention SF113-A, Room 7439 Email Address: This edition should be reproduced Locally Form Can Be Reproduced locally. 113 Summary Data Reporting System October 30, 1997 American LegalNet, Inc.