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Part B Fee(s) Transmittal (Micro Entity) Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in Patent US Patent Office.
Tags: Part B Fee(s) Transmittal (Micro Entity), PTOL-85B, Official Federal Forms US Patent Office, Patent
PART B 226 FEE(S) TRANSMITTAL Complete and send this form, together with the applicable fee(s), by mail or fax, or via EFS-Web. By mail, send to: Mail Stop ISSUE FEE Commissioner for Patents P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria, VA 22313 - 1450 By fax, send to: (571) 273 - 2885 INSTRUCTIONS: This form should be used for transmitting the ISSUE FEE and PUBLICATION FEE (if required). Blocks 1 through 5 should be completed where appropriate. All further correspondence including the Patent, advance orders and notification of maintenance fees will be mailed to the current correspondence address as indicated unless corrected below or directed otherwise in Block 1, by (a) specifying a new correspondence address; and/or (b) indicating a separate 223FEE ADDRESS224 for maintenance fee notifications. CURRENT CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS (Note: Use Block 1 for any change of address ) Note: A certificate of mailing can only be used for domestic mailings of the Fee(s) Transmittal. This certificate cannot be used for any other accompanying papers. Each additional paper, such as an assignment or formal drawing, must have its own certificate of mailing or transmission. Certificate of Mailing or Transmission I hereby certify that this Fee(s) Transmittal is being deposited with the United States Postal Service with sufficient postage for first class mail in an envelope addressed to the Mail Stop ISSUE FEE address above, or being transmitted to the USPTO via EFS - Web or by facsimile to (571) 273 - 2885, on the date below. (Typed or printed name) (Signature) (Date) APPLICATION NO FILING DATE FIRST NAMED INVENTOR ATTORNEY DOCKET NO CONFIRMATION NO TITLE OF INVENTION: APPLN. TYPE ENTITY STATUS ISSUE FEE DUE PUBLICATION FEE DUE PREV. PAID ISSUE FEE TOTAL FEE(S) DUE DATE DUE EXAMINER ART UNIT CLASS - SUBCLASS 1. Change of correspondence address or indication of 223FeeAddress224 (37 CFR 1.363) Change of correspondence address (or Change of Correspondence Address form PTO/SB/122) attached. 223Fee Address224 indication (or 223Fee Address224 Indication form PTO/SB/47; Rev 03-09 or more recent) attached. Use of a Customer Number is required. 2. For printing on the patent front page, list (1) The names of up to 3 registered patent attorneys or agents OR, alternatively, (2) The name of a single firm (having as a member a registered attorney or agent) and the names of up to 2 registered patent attorneys or agents. If no name is listed, no name will be printed. 1. 2. 3. 3. ASSIGNEE NAME AND RESIDENCE DATA TO BE PRINTED ON THE PATENT (print or type) PLEASE NOTE: Unless an assignee is identified below, no assignee data will appear on the patent. If an assignee is identified below, the document must have beenpreviously recorded, or filed for recordation, as set forth in 37 CFR 3.11 and 37 CFR 3.81(a). Completion of this form is NOT a substitute for filing an assignment. (A) NAME OF ASSIGNEE (B)RESIDENCE: (CITY and STATE or COUNTRY) Please check the appropriate assignee category or categories (will not be printed on the patent): Individual Corporation or other private group entity Government 4a. Fees Submitted: Issue Fee Publication Fee (if required) Advance Order - # of Copies 4b. Method of Payment (Please first reapply any previously paid fee shown above): Electronic Payment via EFS-Web Enclosed check Non-electronic payment by credit card (Attach form PTO-2038) The Director is hereby authorized to charge the required fee(s), any deficiency, or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 5. Change of Entity Status (from status indicated above) Applicant certifying micro entity status. See 37 CFR 1.29. NOTE: Absent a valid Certification of Micro Entity Status (see forms PTO/SB/15A and 15B), issue fee payment in the micro entity amount will not be accepted at the risk of application abandonment. Applicant asserting small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27. NOTE: If the application was previously under micro entity status, checking this box will be taken as a notification of loss of entitlement to micro entity status. Applicant changing to regular undiscounted fee status. NOTE: Checking this box will be taken as a notification of loss of entitlement to small or micro entity status, as applicable. NOTE: This form must be signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.31 and 1.33. See 37 CFR 1.4 for signature requirements and certifications. Authorized Signature Date Typed or printed name Registration No. PTOL-85 Part B (08-18) Approved for use through 01/31/2020 OMB 0651-0033 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE American LegalNet, Inc. OMB Clearance and PRA Burden Statement for PTOL-85 Part B The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 requires Federal agencies to obtain Office of Management and Budget approval before requesting most types of information from the public. When OMB approves an agency request to collect information from the public, OMB (i) provides a valid OMB Control Number and expiration date for the agency to display on the instrument that will be used to collect the information and (ii) requires the agency to inform the public about the OMB Control Number222s legal significance in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.5(b). The information collected by PTOL-85 Part B is required by 37 CFR 1.311. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 30 minutes to complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Privacy Act Statement The Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579) requires that you be given certain information in connection with your submission of the attached form related to a patent application or patent. Accordingly, pursuant to the requirements of the Act, please be advised that: (1) the general authority for the collection of this information is 35 U.S.C. 2(b)(2); (2) furnishing of the information solicited is voluntary; and (3) the principal purpose for which the information is used by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is to process and/or examine your submission related to a patent application or patent. If you do not furnish the requested information, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office may not be able to process and/or examine your submission, which may result in termination of proceedings or abandonment of the application or expiration of the patent. The information provided by you in this form will be subject to the following routine uses: 1. The information on this form will be treated confidentially to the extent allowed under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C 552a). Records from this system of records may be disclosed to the Department of Justice to determine whether disclosure of these records is required by the Freedom of Information Act. 2. A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, in the course of presenting evidence to a court, magistrate, or administrative tribunal, including disclosures to opposing counsel in the course of settlement negotiations. 3. A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Member of Congress submitting a request involving an individual, to whom the record pertains, when the individual has requested assistance from the Member with respect to the subject matter of the record. 4. A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a contractor of the Ag