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Notification Concerning Submission Or Transmittal Of Priority Document Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in PCT US Patent Office.
Tags: Notification Concerning Submission Or Transmittal Of Priority Document, PCT-IB-304, Official Federal Forms US Patent Office, PCT
(PCT Administrative Instructions, Section 411)
Date of mailing
Applicant’s or agent’s file reference
International application No.
International filing date (day/month/year)
International publication date (day/month/year)
Priority date (day/month/year)
The applicant is hereby notified of the date of receipt (or of obtaining by the International Bureau) of the priority document(s)
relating to all earlier application(s) whose priority is claimed. Unless otherwise indicated by the letters “NR”, in the right-hand
column or by an asterisk appearing next to the date of receipt, the priority document concerned was submitted or transmitted to
or obtained by the International Bureau in compliance with Rule 17.1(a), (b) or (b-bis). This Form replaces any previously
issued notification concerning submission, transmittal or obtaining of priority documents.
Priority date
Priority application No.
Country or regional Office
or PCT receiving Office
Date of receipt
of priority document
The letters “NR” denote a priority document which, on the date of mailing of this Form, had not yet been received or obtained by the
International Bureau in compliance with Rule 17.1(a), (b) or (b-bis). Where the applicant has failed to either submit, request to prepare
and transmit, or to request the International Bureau to obtain the priority document within the applicable time limit under that Rule,
the attention of the applicant is directed to Rule 17.1(c) which provides that no designated Office may disregard the priority claim
concerned before giving the applicant an opportunity, upon entry into the national phase, to furnish the priority document within a
time limit which is reasonable under the circumstances.
An asterisk “*” next to a date of receipt, denotes a priority document submitted or transmitted to or obtained by the International Bureau
but not in compliance with Rule 17.1(a), (b) or (b-bis) (the priority document was received after the time limit prescribed in
Rule 17.1(a); the request to prepare and transmit the priority document was submitted to the receiving Office after the applicable time
limit under Rule 17.1(b) or the request to the International Bureau to obtain the priority document was made after the applicable time
limit under Rule 17.1(b-bis)). Even though the priority document was not furnished in compliance with Rule 17.1(a), (b) or (b-bis),
the International Bureau will nevertheless transmit a copy of the document to the designated Offices, for their consideration. In case
such a copy is not accepted by the designated Office as the priority document, Rule 17.1(c) provides that no designated Office may
disregard the priority claim concerned before giving the applicant an opportunity, upon entry into the national phase, to furnish the
priority document within a time limit which is reasonable under the circumstances.
The International Bureau of WIPO
34, chemin des Colombettes
1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Facsimile No. +41 22 338 82 70
Authorized officer
Telephone No. +41 22 338 XX XX
Form PCT/IB/304 (July 2012)
American LegalNet, Inc.