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Notification Relating To Priority Claim Form. This is a Official Federal Forms form and can be use in PCT US Patent Office.
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Tags: Notification Relating To Priority Claim, PCT-RO-111, Official Federal Forms US Patent Office, PCT
(PCT Rules 26bis.1 and 26bis.2 and
Administrative Instructions, Sections 302 and 314)
Date of mailing
Applicant’s or agent’s file reference
International application No.
International filing date
The applicant is hereby notified of the following in respect of the priority claim(s) made in the international application.
Correction of priority claim In accordance with the applicant’s notice received on ________________________________
the following priority claim has been corrected to read as follows:
even though the indication of the number of the earlier application is missing.
even though the following indication in the priority claim is not the same as the corresponding indication appearing in the
priority document:
even though the international application has an international filing date which is later than the date on which the priority
period expired, but is within two months from that date.
Addition of priority claim In accordance with the applicant’s notice received on _________________________________
the following priority claim has been added:
even though the indication of the number of the earlier application is missing.
even though the following indication in the priority claim is not the same as the corresponding indication appearing in the
priority document:
even though the international application has an international filing date which is later than the date on which the priority
period expired, but is within two months from that date.
The priority claim is considered void (Rule 26bis.2(b)) because:
at the expiration of the prescribed time limit under Rule 26bis.1(a), the receiving Office had not received a notice
from the applicant correcting the priority claim so as to comply with the requirements of Rule 4.10, as notified in Form
the applicant’s notice was received after the expiration of the prescribed time limit under Rule 26bis.1(a); and
consequently, the priority claim could not be corrected so as to comply with the requirements of Rule 4.10.
the applicant’s notice failed to correct the priority claim so as to comply with the requirements of Rule 4.10.
The applicant may, before the technical preparations for international publication have been completed, submit information
concerning the priority claim, which the International Bureau will publish together with the international application
(Rule 26bis.2(d)).
Name and mailing address of the receiving Office
Authorized officer
Facsimile No.
Telephone No.
Form PCT/RO/111 (July 2008)
American LegalNet, Inc.
International application No.
As a result of the correction and/or addition of priority claim(s) under items 1 and/or 2, or of the priority claim(s) under
item 3 being considered void, the (earliest) priority date is:
The priority claim cannot be corrected/added since the applicant’s notice was received on _________________________ ,
that is, after expiration of the prescribed time limit under Rule 26bis.1(a). However, where the applicant’s notice concerns
a correction, in accordance with Rule 26bis.2(c)(i) to (iii), the priority claim(s) indicated in Box VI of the request will not be
considered void.
The applicant may, prior to the expiration of 30 months from the priority date and subject to the payment of a fee, request the
International Bureau to publish information concerning the matter. See Rule 26bis.2(e) and the PCT Applicant's Guide,
Annex B2(IB).
In the case where multiple priorities have been claimed, the above item(s) relate to the following priority claim(s):
7. A copy of this Notification has been sent to the International Bureau and
to the International Searching Authority.
Form PCT/RO/111 (second sheet) (July 2008)
American LegalNet, Inc.