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UNITED STATES TAX COURT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20217 INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS WHO ARE ATTORNEYS REGARDING ADMISSION TO PRACTICE BEFORE THE COURT Attorney applicants must, as a condition of being admitted to practice before the Court, complete an Application for Admission to Practice (available at that is sworn to before a notary public. See Rule 200(a)(2), Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure. A current (within 90 calendar days of the application filing date) certificate from the Clerk of the appropriate court, showing that the applicant has been admitted to practice before and is in good standing of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, or the highest or appropriate court of any State or of the District of Columbia, or any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States must be attached to the application. Additionally, a check or money order for $35.00 ($10.00 of which is in payment of the Court's periodic registration fee) payable to the Clerk, United States Tax Court must accompany the application. For the application for admission to be considered, please mail the completed application, certificate of good standing, and check or money order to: Office of the Clerk of the Court, United States Tax Court, 400 Second Street, N.W., Room 111, Washington, D.C. 20217. Upon examination of your application papers and approval by this Court, your name will be entered on the Roll of Practitioners of the Court, and your certificate will be inscribed and forwarded to you. If an applicant fails to satisfy the requirements of Rule 200, Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure, the Court may deny such applicant admission to practice before the Court. The Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure are available at no cost in electronic format on the United States Tax Court's official Web site, To obtain a printed copy of the Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure, please submit an order and payment either by (1) using, through which payment can be made using specified credit cards, specified debit cards, or via electronic debit from a checking or savings account, or (2) mailing a check or money order for $20.00, payable to the Clerk, United States Tax Court and addressed to: Office of the Clerk of the Court, United States Tax Court, 400 Second Street, N.W., Room 111, Washington, D.C. 20217. American LegalNet, Inc. Adm itted: UNITED STATES TAX COURT (For Tax Court Use) APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO PRACTICE (Attorney At Law) (APPLICATION MUST BE TYPED) I, (First Nam e) (M I) (Last Nam e) (APPLICATION MUST BE TYPED) , hereby apply for adm ission to practice before the United States Tax Court and submit the following: 1. I was born at 2. I reside at 3. My office address is (S treet) (C ity) on S tate) ( (M onth) (D ay) (Year) (N um ber - Street) , (F irm Nam e) (C ity) (S tate) (Zip Code) (S uite/A pt./P .O . B ox) (C ity) (S tate) (Zip Code) 4. I was adm itted to the bar of the State of , on the day of (E nter nam e of highest c ourt) of the , and am now a mem ber in good standing of said bar. (Attach a certificate from the Clerk of the Court dated within the past 90 days.) 5. I (hav e) (ha v e not) been suspended or disbarred from practice before a court of a State, Territory, or District of the (is ) (is not) United States, or a United States Court; further, there now pending against me an action of the type above described. (If statem ent is affirm ative, attach a full statem ent of facts.) 6. I there (hav e) (ha v e not) been convicted of a violation of a Federal tax law or of an indictable crim e; further, now pending against m e any such crim inal action. (If statem ent is affirm ative, attach a full (is ) (is not) statem ent of facts.) I , do solem nly swear that I am the person nam ed in the foregoing application for adm ission to practice before the United States Tax Court, that the statem ents of facts herein contained are true, and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and will conduct myself uprightly and according to law and the Rules of Practice of the United States Tax Court. (S ignature of A pplic ant) Subscribed and sworn to before m e this [IMPRESS SEAL HERE] day of (Year) (S ig na tu re of N o ta ry P u b lic ) (O fficial Title) Enclosures: � Clerk's certificate of current date. (See par. 4, above) � Check or Money Order for fee(s) payable to the Clerk of the United States Tax Court American LegalNet, Inc. Form 30 (Revised 7/12)