Affidavit Of Current Balance Due On Garnishment Order
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Affidavit Of Current Balance Due On Garnishment Order Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Barberton City (Municipal Court).
Tags: Affidavit Of Current Balance Due On Garnishment Order, Ohio City (Municipal Court), Barberton
Barberton Municipal Court 576 West Park Avenue, Room 205 Barberton, Ohio 44203 (330) 861-7192 AFFIDAVIT OF CURRENT BALANCE DUE ON GARNISHMENT ORDER The State of Ohio, County of Summit Judgment Creditor -v- Case No. Judgment Debtor The undersigned, being first duly cautioned and sworn, or affirmed, acco
rding to law, says: 1. That I am the attorney/Judgment Creditor herein who heretofore recovered
, or certified a judgment in the Court, against the Judgment Debtor named above; 2. The original amount of the judgment that is the basis of the garnishment order is: $ 3. The accrued interest amount to date is: $ 4. The court costs assessed to date: $ 5. Minus amount of monies paid on judgment, costs, and interest: $ 6. The current balance due to date: $ Signature of Judgment Creditor or Attorney Address City, State, Zip Code Sworn to and subscribed before me on the ______ day of ___________________, 20______. ________________________ Date Notary Public or Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.