Small Claims Case Designation Form Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Small Claims Case Designation Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Cleveland Heights City (Municipal Court).
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Tags: Small Claims Case Designation Form, Ohio City (Municipal Court), Cleveland Heights
IN THE CLEVE LAND HEIGHTS MUNICIP AL COURT SMALL CLA IMS DIVISION Small Claims Case Designation Form , Plaintiff, V. Case No. CVI , Defendant. 1. Have you filed this case previously against the defendant? Check one: No Yes ...if yes, answer below Case # When 2. Do you have any other pending or closed cases against the defendant? Check one: No Yes ...if yes, answer below Case # When I certify that the answers to the above-asked questions are true to the best of my knowledge. PRINTED NAME OF PLAINTIFF OR ATTORNEY SIGNATURE OF PLA INTIFF OR ATTO RNEY I RECEIVED a Small Claims Booklet. I DO NOT WANT a Small Claims Booklet. SCD esignationform American LegalNet, Inc.