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Statement Of Rights And Responsibilities Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Cleveland Heights City (Municipal Court).
Tags: Statement Of Rights And Responsibilities, Ohio City (Municipal Court), Cleveland Heights
STATEMENT OF RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1) I have the right to be represented by an attorney even if I intend to plead guilty. I have the right to appointed counsel (provided at no cost to me) if I cannot afford my own attorney and my case is one in which jail time can be imposed. The right to appointed counsel DOES NOT apply to a minor traffic violation for which this court does not impose jail time. I have the right to a continuance or a reasonable delay in the case in order to get an attorney. 2) I have the right to a jury trial in serious offenses. I have a right to a jury trial for a petty offense if my case is one in which jail time can be imposed., if I make a written jury demand at least 10 days before trial or 3 days after getting notice of the trial date, whichever is later. My right to a jury trial in serious offenses can only be waived in writing. 3) A plea of GUILTY is a complete admission of guilt. A plea of NO CONTEST is not an admission of guilt but an admission that the facts contained in the comp
laint are true. A plea of no contest cannot be used against me in another proceeding. A plea of NOT GUILTY is a complete denial of guilt. 4) If I plead Guilty or No Contest to a charge I give up my right to the following: a) to a trial; b) to a trial by juryper #2 above; c) to call witnesses; d) to compel or require witnesses to appear on my behalf; e) to confront prosecution witnesses; and, f) to require the City or State to prove the charges against me beyond a reasonable doubt. 5) I have the right NOT to testify on my own behalf at trial and that fact that I do not testify cannot be held against me. 6) I have the right to bail for all bailable offenses. 7) I have the right to remain silent at any point in the proceedings as anything I say may be used against me. 8) If I am NOT A CITIZEN of the United States and I plead guilty or no contest to a criminal charge, I may be subject to deportation, exclusion from admission to the United States or denial of naturalization pursuant to the laws of the United States. 9) In traffic cases, the court must report a conviction of a moving violation to the Bu
reau of Motor Vehicles and points may be charged against my license as a result. I hereby state that I have read and understand the above information. Ticket Number Date__________________________ Defendant_________________________________ Signature RIGHTSONWEB American LegalNet, Inc.