Request For Hearing On Garnishment Of Property Other Than Personal Property
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Request For Hearing On Garnishment Of Property Other Than Personal Property Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Cleveland City (Municipal Court).
Tags: Request For Hearing On Garnishment Of Property Other Than Personal Property, Ohio City (Municipal Court), Cleveland
REQUEST FOR HEARING ON GARNISHMENT OF PROPERTY OTHER THAN PERSONAL PROPERTY CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL COURT 1200 ONTARIO STREET CLEVELAND, OH 44113 ATTN: CLERK OF COURTS-GARNISHMENT DEPT PHONE: (216) 664-4859 Clerk's Filed Date Stamp CASE NO. Judgment Creditor: VS. Judgment Debtor: CV I dispute the judgment creditor's right to garnish my money, property, or credits in the above case and request a hearing in this matter be held no later than twelve days after delivery of this request to the court. I do / do not ( one) feel that the need for the hearing is an emergency. I dispute the judgment creditor's right to garnish my property for the following reasons: Optional:__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ I UNDERSTAND THAT NO OBJECTIONS TO THE JUDGMENT ITSELF WILL BE HEARD OR CONSIDERED AT THE HEARING. ____________________________________________________ (Print Name of Judgment Debtor) ____________________________________________________ (Signature of Judgment Debtor) ____________________________________________________ (Date) _________________________________________________________ (Address & Street) _________________________________________________________ (City, State & Zip Code) __________________________________________________________ (Area Code) (Phone Number) WARNING: If you do not deliver this request for hearing or a request in a substantially similar form to the office of the clerk of this court within five (5) business days of your receipt of it, you waive your right to a hearing and some of your money, property, or credits other than personal earnings will be paid to the judgment creditor in satisfaction of your debt to the judgment creditor. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.