Motion For Personal Examination Of Judgment Debtor
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Motion For Personal Examination Of Judgment Debtor Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Elyria City (Municipal Court).
Tags: Motion For Personal Examination Of Judgment Debtor, EMC 58, Ohio City (Municipal Court), Elyria
Elyria Municipal Court Office of Clerk of Court 601 Broad Street Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 326-1800 Date: ____________ ____________________________________ Plaintiff VS. ____________________________________ Defendant Plaintiff says that an execution has been issued upon the judgment herein and returned not satisfied. That there is now due on said judgment the sum of _________________________________________dollars. That defendant ________________________________________________has property which he unjustly refuses to apply toward the satisfaction of said judgment. That said defendant is not in the Military Service of the United States of America. Wherefore, plaintiff prays the Court for an Order requiring said defendant to appear before the Court and answer under oath respecting his property. ______________________________________________ Case Number: _______________________ MOTION FOR PERSONAL EXAMINATION OF JUDGMENT DEBTOR Plaintiff or Plaintiff's Attorney State of Ohio, Lorain County, ss ______________________________________________being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ______________________________________________the plaintiff, and that the facts stated and allegations contained in the foregoing Motion are true as he verily believes. ________________________________________ Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this _____day of _____________, 20_________. _______________________________________ Notary Public EMC 58 rev 8/01 American LegalNet, Inc.