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Notice To Judgment Debtor Money Property Credits Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Elyria City (Municipal Court).
Tags: Notice To Judgment Debtor Money Property Credits, EMC 222, Ohio City (Municipal Court), Elyria
NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR* (O.R.C. 2716.12, .13) __________________________________________ Judgment Creditor __ vs. __________________________________________ Judgment Debtor __ ELYRIA MUNICIPAL COURT Eric J. Rothgery, Clerk of Court Case No. ____________________ MONEY-PROPERTY-CREDITS You are hereby notified that this Court has issued an order in the above case in favor of ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name and Address of Judgment Creditor) the Judgment Creditor in this proceeding, directing that some of your money, property, or credits, other than personal earnings, now in the possession of __________________________________________________________________ (Name and Address of Garnishee) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ the garnishee in this proceedings, be used to satisfy your debt to the Judgment Creditor. This order was issued on the basis of the Judgment Creditor's judgment against you that was obtained in ______________________________________ Court, Case No. _____________________________________ on ________________________________, 20_____ Upon your receipt of this notice, you are prohibited from removing or attempting to remove such money, property, or credits until expressly permitted by the court. Any violation of this prohibition subjects you to punishment for contempt of court. The law of Ohio and the United States provides that certain benefit-payments cannot be taken from you to pay a debt. Typical among the benefits that cannot be attached or executed upon by a creditor are: (1) Workers' Compensation Benefits; (2) Unemployment Compensation Payments; (3) Aid to Dependent Children (A.D.C.); (4) Poor Relief or General Relief (G.R.); (5) Social Security Benefits; (6) Supplemental Security Income (S.S.I.); (7) Veteran's Benefits; (8) Black Lung Benefits; (9) Certain Pensions. Additionally, wages under a certain amount may not be taken to pay the debt. There may be other benefits not included in the above list that apply in your case. If you dispute the Judgment Creditor's right to garnish your property and believe that he should not be given your money, property, or credits, other than personal earnings, now in the possession of the indicated garnishee because they are exempt or if you feel that this order is improper for any other reason, you may request a hearing before this court by disputing the claim in the request for hearing form, attached, or in a substantially similar form, and delivering the request for hearing to this court at the above address, at the office of the Clerk of this Court no later than the end of the fifth business day after you receive this notice. You may state your reasons for disputing the Judgment Creditor's right to garnish your property in the space provided on the form but you are not required to do so. If you so state your reasons for disputing the Judgment Creditor's right, you are not prohibited from stating any other reason at the hearing, and if you do not state your reasons, it will not be held against you by the court and you can state your reasons at the hearing. If you request a hearing, the hearing will be limited to a consideration of the amount of your money, property, or credits, other than personal earnings, in the possession or control of the indicated garnishee, if any, that can be used to satisfy all or part of the judgment you owe to the Judgment Creditor. No objections to the judgment itself will be heard or considered at any such hearing. EMC 222 Rev. 3/00 *Defendant - Two Copies American LegalNet, Inc. If you request a hearing by delivering your request for hearing no later than the end of the fifth business day after you receive this notice, it will be conducted in ELYRIA MUNICIPAL COURT, 601 Broad Street, Elyria, OH 44035, Magistrate's Chambers, Lower Level, at ______m. on _____________________,20___. You may request the court to conduct the hearing before this date by indicating your request in the space provided on the form; the court then will send you notice of any change in the date, time, or place of the hearing. If you do not request a hearing by delivering your request for hearing no later than the end of the fifth business day after you receive this notice, some of your money, property, or credits, other than personal earnings, will be paid to the Judgment Creditor. If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact the office of the Clerk of this court. If you want legal representation you should contact your lawyer immediately. If you need the name of a lawyer, contact the Local Bar Association. _____________________________20 _____. Eric J. Rothgery Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court ________________________________________ Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.