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Subpoena Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Lima City (Municipal Court).
Tags: Subpoena, Ohio City (Municipal Court), Lima
LIMA MUNICIPAL COURT (Hall of Justice) 109 N. Union St., Lima, Ohio 45805 (419)221-5275 STATE OF OHIO/CITY OF LIMA VS. ____________________________ SUBPOENA CASE NO.___________________ DOV:_______________________ To: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ You are hereby commanded to appear in the Lima Municipal Court, 109 N. Union Street, (Hall of Justice) in the City of Lima, Ohio on ______________ at ___________ in Courtroom ____, to testify in the case of _____________________ vs. _______________________ . This subpoena is issued on the application of ____________________. TO THE SERVING OFFICER: You shall make due service and return hereof as provided by law. Issued _____________________. Charges: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOU MUST PRESENT THIS SUBPOENA TO THE CLERK'S OFFICE ON THE DATE OF THIS TRIAL IN ORDER TO RECEIVE PAYMENT FOR YOUR APPEARANCE. JIM LINK Clerk BY________________________________ Deputy Clerk (Seal) Certificate I certify this to be a true copy of the original writ with all endorsements thereon. ________________________________ (Subpoena to Testify Crim. R 17(A)R17(D)) Serving Officer SERVICE AND RETURN Lima, Ohio, ______________,20___ Received this subpoena __________________, 20___, at ________o'clock __M., and afterwards I served it in the manner and at the time shown below, that is I read it to those witnesses whose names are marked R; I delivered a copy of it personally to those whose names are marked P; I left a copy of it at the usual place of residence of those whose names are marked C; and I could not serve those persons whose names are marked N.F. or N.S. Names of witnesses:___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Miles_______ How Served _________ Date Served _____________ Time Served __________ Service and Return _____ persons, first name $10.00 each additional name $10.00 ________________ On each writ a fee of $2.00 first mile, and $1.00 for each additional mile going and returning. Actual mileage to be charged on each additional name. Mileage: First Mile = $2.00 ________________ and _______@ $1.00 per mile ________________ Total ________________ ___________________________________ Serving Officer ___________________________ Title U:\www\CivicPlus\Forms\subpoena.doc American LegalNet, Inc.