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Application For Order Sealing Record Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Vermilion City (Municipal Court).
Tags: Application For Order Sealing Record, Ohio City (Municipal Court), Vermilion
1Name: Case Number: VERMILION MUNICIPAL COURT, VERMILION, OHIOMOTION TO SEAL THE RECORD APPLICATION FOR ORDER SEALING RECORD OF FINDINGS(S) OF NOT GUILTY AND/OR DISMISSAL(S)Defendant hereby makes application to the Court pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 2472953.52 for the finding of not guilty and/or dismissal in the above-stated Cases(s). Defendant hereby provides the following information:1) Charges(s) to be sealed: 2) Date(s) of dismissal/not guilty: 3) If Probation, Date Terminated: 4) Current Address of Applicant: 5) Applicant222s Telephone: 6) Applicant222s Driver222s License Number: 7) D.O.B. 8) Social Security Number: AFFIDAVIT:Defendant states that he/she is an eligible offender and has no criminal proceedings pending; is rehabilitated; and, that the interests of defendant in having the records pertaining to this dismissal and/or finding of not guilty are not outweighed by a legitimate governmental need to maintain those records. DATEDefendant/Applicant Signature Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 201 Clerk/Deputy Clerk/Notary PublicEffective 6/6/18 American LegalNet, Inc. 2 INFORMATION ABOUT THE EXPEDITED RECORD UPDATE SERVICE AND NOTICE OF RIGHT TO OPT IN OR OUTAfter you have had your criminal record expunged or sealed by the court, private background companies could still be reporting your criminal record for up to a year or more to potential employers, landlords, or anyone else who purchases a background to check on you.The Ohio Legislature passed a law (O.R.C. 109.38) which authorizes the Attorney General to select a vendor to instruct background check companies to promptly remove your sealed or expunged records. The Law Firm of Higbee & Associates was selected to process these requests. This is an OPTIONAL service.Benefits of the Service:267Quickly have record(s) expunged or sealed from more than 600 private background check providers.267Have record(s) promptly removed from background checks.267Greatly reduces the chance that your expunged or sealed record will appear on a background check and thereby results in denial of a job, housing, or other opportunity.Risks of Opting Out of the Service:267Private sector background check companies may take a year or more to purchase updated data from courts and may not discover your criminal record has been sealed or expunged until their next system update.267When the data at these companies is not updated in a timely manner, it may result in denied employment, housing, and other opportunities.There is a $45.00 fee for this service. This fee is in addition to the filing fee to seal/expunge your record. This fee is sent to the law firm by the court and must be paid at the time of filing to seal/expunge the case. For further information or to check the status of your Expedited Record Update Service go to http://www.RecordGone.comerus .Effective 6/6/18 American LegalNet, Inc. 3 NOTIFICATION OF EXPUNGEMENT/SEALING OF RECORDS BY QUALIFIED THIRD PARTYIn addition to your application fee to have your records sealed in the Vermilion Municipal Court you may also request to have a third-party company contact consumer reporting agencies that have databases that include publicly available records of convictions of crimes.(ORC 2953.32, 2953.37, 2953.38, 2953.53)1.Costs to send notification of expungement/sealing of records to Higbee & Associates - $45.002.This fee must be paid at the time the application fee for the expungement/sealing of records is paid.3.The optional $45.00 will be returned to you if your expungement/sealing of records is denied by the Judge.I have read the above information and choose: I agree (opt in) to have my expungement/sealing sent to Higbee & Associates ($45.00) I opt out of having my expungement/sealing sent to Higbee & Associates. Signature of Defendant Date SignedDISCLAIMER: If you OPT IN to this program with Higbee & Associates, the Vermilion Municipal Court does not guarantee that every record of your case will be completely eradicated from all data repositories. If you have any question or concerns regarding the effectiveness of this program, please contact Higbee & Associates at 6/6/18 American LegalNet, Inc. 4Name:Case Number:IN THE VERMILION MUNICIPAL COURTERIE COUNTY, OHIOJOURNAL ENTRYDisposition Date: Offense: Defendant has made an Application to Seal the Record of a Dismissal or Finding of Not GuiltyORC 2472953.32.The Court makes the following Order:1. This matter is set for hearing on at .2. The Prosecuting Attorney shall file written Objections to Defendant222s Application, if desired, prior to the date of hearing. 3. The Court shall review the Application, any Objections and reports at the hearing. Date: Case Number: Judge W. Zack Dolyk( ) Defendant/Attorney( ) ProsecutorEffective 6/6/18 American LegalNet, Inc. 5Name: Case Number:Case Number: IN THE VERMILION MUNICIPAL COURTERIE COUNTY, OHIO JOURNAL ENTRY SEALING RECORDDisposition Date: Offense: This matter came on for hearing on , upon Defendant222s Application for Order of Expunging Record of arrest, prosecution and Conviction pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 2472953.32. The Court, being fully advised in the premises, finds:The Applicant is an eligible offender;There is no criminal proceeding pending against the Applicant;( ) No objections have been filed by the Prosecuting Attorney;( ) Any objections of the Prosecuting Attorney have been resolved in favor of the Applicant;That the Applicant222s rehabilitation has been attained to the satisfaction of this Court, and; The expunging of the record of the Applicant is consistent with the public interest.Therefore, the Court orders that the Clerk of this Court and any other persons or entities in possession of records pertaining to the arrest and/or prosecution of the applicant shall seal such records and delete all index references thereto. The above-mentioned proceedings in such case shall henceforth be deemed to have not occurred, except as provided in Sections 2953.32 et. seq. of the Ohio Revised Code. Judge W. Zack DolykDOB: Section Number: Conviction Date: Social Security:Effective 6/6/18 American LegalNet, Inc. 6Name: Case Number:IN THE VERMILION MUNICIPAL COURTERIE COUNTY, OHIO This matter came on for hearing on , upon Defendant222s Application for Order of Sealing Record of arrest, prosecution and conviction pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 2472953.32.Case Number: The Court, being fully advised in the premises, finds: The Applicant is currently not an eligible offender.Therefore, the application is denied. Judge W. Zack DolykEffective 6/6/18 American LegalNet, Inc. 7DISCLAIMERWhen a court orders a record sealed, it is effective on the date of the order to seal the official record and the record of the arresting agency and jail, if applicable. While a case is pending and until a record is sealed, it is a public record. While a public record, individuals and private business may download information from court, police, or jail files. The court order to seal does not undo such dissemination or apply to private businesses that may have downloaded your case information before the sealing. Therefore, private businesses may still have your case information even after your official record is sealed. If you become aware of such knowledge, it is your responsibility to notify the holder of the information and request that they comply with the spirit of the sealing law and delete their records. You should be aware that, under current law, they are not required to do so.(Applicant222s copy)Effective 6/6/18 American LegalNet, Inc. 8Name: Case Number: Case Number:IN THE VERMILION MUNICIPAL COURTERIE COUNTY, OHIOSealing of record will be sent to the following:Data Operations Corelogic, 3001 Hackberry Rd., Irving TX 75063Automation Research, CBC Companies, Inc., 1651 NW Professional Plaza, Columbus, OH 43220C.R. Perrucci Co. LPA, P.O. Box 247, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022Genuine Data Service, Attn: Expungements, 12770 Coit Road, Suite 1150, Dallas, TX 75251BCI,