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Affidavit Of Expenses Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Butler County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Affidavit Of Expenses, DR 602C, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Butler
DR 602C Eff. 1/1/2015 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DIVISION OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO _____________________________________ Plaintiff/1st Petitioner/Petitioner DOB ________________________________ Address ______________________________ _______________________________ V. _____________________________________ Defendant/2nd Petitioner/Respondent DOB ________________________ Address Case No. ___________________ Affidavit of Expenses ________________________ (Name of Affiant) Date of Marriage __________________ Date of Separation_________________ ______________________ _____________________ Note: This affidavit must be completed and exchanged in accordance with Local Rules of Court in every action for divorce, dissolution, legal separation, annulment and post decree motion that concerns modification of support. You will be required to provide proof of income per local rule and O.R.C. 3121. You are under a continuing legal duty to file an updated version of this form if you learn of any additional information. If more space is needed, attach additional page(s). Affiant's Monthly Living Expenses: List your ACTUAL expenses for your present household in the first column. Give estimated expenses if you don't have exact figures. If you expect changes soon, list your ANTICIPATED expenses in your household after the divorce case in the second column. Explain why you expect your expenses to change. Also, if you are living with your parents or someone is helping you with your living expenses, please explain. Actual Monthly Expenses in My Present Household I am assisted with my living expenses by: Anticipated Future Monthly Expenses in My Household The reason I expect my household living expenses to change soon is: Anticipated My Average Monthly Expenses There are now adults and in my present household. children living A. Housing Rent or First Mortgage Real Estate Taxes (if not included above) Real Estate Insurance (if not included above) Second Mortgage, if any Actual Initialed Expenses Affidavit Page 1 American LegalNet, Inc. UTILITIES: Electric (level billing or avg/month) Gas (if billed separately) Fuel Oil/Propane Water & Sewer �Telephone (basic monthly charge) �Water Softener �Trash Collection Telephone (average long distance) Cable Television Home Cleaning, Maintenance, Repair Lawn Service, Snow Removal Other: Housing Total (A) (A) B. Other Necessary Living Expenses FOOD, ETC.: Grocery (include food, paper & cleaning products, toiletries, etc.) �Restaurant TRANSPORTATION, ETC.: � Car Loan or Lease � � � Gasoline Car Maintenance & Repair Parking, Public Transit Actual Anticipated CLOTHING, ETC.: � � Dry Cleaning, Laundry Personal Grooming Other: Other Necessities Total (B) (B) Initialed Expenses Affidavit Page 2 American LegalNet, Inc. C. Child-Related Expenses Child Care (work/ educational-related) Clothing School Lunches Children's Allowances Extra-Curricular Activities Other: Child-Related Expenses Total Actual Anticipated (C) (C) Actual D. Educational Expenses for: Tuition Books Fees Tutor Activities College Loan Repayment Other: Education Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (D) You Child(ren) Anticipated You Child(ren) (D) You E. Health Care Expenses Doctor Dentist Optical Orthodontist Prescriptions Other: Child(ren) You Child(ren) Initialed Expenses Affidavit Page 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Health Care Total (E) (E) F. Insurance Life Auto Health Disability COBRA Insurance Coverage Personal Property Other: Insurance Total Actual Anticipated (F) (F) G. Enrichment (Your expenses. Put child(ren)'s expenses under C or D, above) Entertainment Lessons Books, Newspapers, Magazines Sports Clubs Hobbies Donations Gifts Vacation Other: Enrichment Total Actual Anticipated (G) (G) H. Miscellaneous Expenses (Include expenses and debts not previously listed.) 1. Actual Anticipated Initialed Expenses Affidavit Page 4 American LegalNet, Inc. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Miscellaneous Expenses Total Grand Total of Monthly Expenses (Sum of A - H in each column) (H) (H) OATH OF AFFIANT I, (print) hereby swear or affirm that the information set forth in this Affidavit of Expenses above is true, complete, and accurate. I understand that falsification of this document may result in a contempt of court finding against me which could result in a jail sentence and fine, and that falsification of this document may also subject me to criminal penalties for perjury (O.R.C. 2921.22). AFFIANT Subscribed and duly sworn before me according to law, by the above named applicant this ______ day of _______________________, _______, at _______________________, County of _______________________, State of Ohio. _________________________________ Signature of person administering oath _________________________________ Title (example: Notary, Deputy Clerk of Courts, etc.) Initialed Expenses Affidavit Page 5 American LegalNet, Inc.