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Motion To Modify Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Butler County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Motion To Modify, DR 713, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Butler
DR 713 Rev. 1/05 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DIVISION OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS BUTLERCOUNTY, OHIO : Plaintiff/1st Petitioner DOB ___________ SSN_____________________ : Address : Phone No. ____________________________ vs./-and: ____________________________________ Defendant/2nd Petitioner DOB___________ SSN_____________________ Address : Phone No. _____________________________ : Case No___________________ MOTION TO MODIFY _____________________________ (Specify) ____________________________ moves the Court to modify the order of this Court concerning Your name ___________________________________________________________________. The last order was issued on ________________________ . The names, dates of birth and social security numbers insert date of children involved in this motion are: NAME __ __________________________ DOB ______________ SSN __________________________ NAME __ __________________________ DOB ______________ SSN __________________________ NAME __ __________________________ DOB ______________ SSN __________________________ NAME __ __________________________ DOB ______________ SSN __________________________ The reasons for this requested modification are as follows: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Your signature NOTICE OF HEARING A hearing on the above motion to modify will be held at the Butler County Domestic Relations Court, Second floor, Government Services Center, 315 High Street, Hamilton, Ohio 45011 on __________________________(date) at __________________ am/pm, before Judge/Magistrate ______________________________________. After your document is filed, you must submit a file stamped copy of the motion to the Case Management Office no later than seven (7) business days after obtaining your hearing date. Any failure to comply with this provision will result in the Case Management Office vacating the hearing date and sending a notice to all parties. (DR 29(A)(4)). SERVICE CHECK ONLY ONE OF THE BOXES BELOW: ?? To the Clerk: Please serve a copy of this Motion upon __________________________________ (name of spouse or former spouse) at the address in the caption by certified mail as provided under Civil Rule 4.1(A). OR ?? To the Clerk: Please serve a copy of this Motion upon _____________________________________ (name of spouse or former spouse) at the following address ___________________________________ Address, including city, state & zip code by personal service as provided under Civil Rule 4.1(B): American LegalNet, Inc.