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Written Statement Of Natural Parent Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Butler County (Court Of Common Pleas).
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Tags: Written Statement Of Natural Parent, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Butler
(Current name of child)
, have had the following paragraphs fully explained to m e
and hereby acknowledge that I understand m y rights under the laws of the State of Ohio as set forth below. I further
acknowledge that m y signature below is placed voluntarily, without the undue influence of any person.
The placem ent for purposes of adoption of an infant born to m e on
is done by m e, without the involvem ent of any person, institution or agency certified by the Departm ent of Job and
Fam ily Services, except the assistance of
, Attorney at
Law, w ho I understand represents the adoptive family in this matter. I do/do not (circle appropriate
language) know the identity of the proposed adoptive fam ily.
I understand that I am appearing before this Court today to request the approval of placem ent for purposes of
adoption of
which placem ent, if approved, will occur today.
I represent to the Court that I understand that under Ohio law no child shall be placed or received for adoption
or with intent to adopt unless placem ent is m ade by a public children services agency, an institution or association
that is certified by the Departm ent of Job and Fam ily Services under section 5103.03 of the Revised Code to
place children for adoption, or custodians in another state or foreign country or unless all of the following
criteria are met:
Prior to the placem ent and receiving of the child, the parent or parents of the child personally have
applied to, and appeared before the probate court of the county in which the parent or parents reside,
or in which the person seeking to adopt the child resides, for approval of the proposed placem ent
specified in the application and have signed and filed with the court a written statem ent showing that
the parent or parents are aware of their right to contest the decree of adoption subject to the lim itations
of section 3107.16 of the Revised Code;
The court ordered an independent hom e study of the proposed placem ent to be conducted as provided
in section 3107.031 [3107.03.1] of the Revised Code, and after com pletion of the hom e study, the court
determ ined that the proposed placem ent is in the best interest of the child;
The court has approved of record the proposed placem ent.
I further represent that I understand that the Final Order of Adoption is subject to appeal by m e to the Court of
Appeals for this County. However, I am giving up the right to receive notice of any hearing, or the issuance of
either the Interlocutory or Final Order of Adoption, and therefore will not know specifically when m y rights of
appeal m ay expire. I understand that the Final Order of Adoption should be granted in approxim ately seven
m onths, and that the norm al right of appeal would expire 30 days from that day. If I have any question concerning
contesting this adoption in any m anner, I understand that I should im m ediately contact the Court and/or Legal
American LegalNet, Inc.
I further represent to the Court that I am aware of the provisions of section 3107.16 of the Revised Code that
provides that:
A. Appeals from the probate court are subject to the Rules of Appellate Procedure and, to the extent not
in conflict with those rules, Chapter 2505, of the Revised Code. Unless there is good cause for delay,
appeals shall be heard on an expedited basis.
B. Subject to the disposition of an appeal, upon the expiration of one year after an adoption decree is
issued, the decree cannot be questioned by any person, including the petitioner, in any m anner or upon
any ground, including fraud, m isrepresentation, failure to give any required notice, or lack of jurisdiction
of the parties or of the subject m atter, unless, in the case of the adoption of a m inor, the petitioner has
not taken custody of the m inor, or, in the case of the adoption of a m inor by a stepparent, the adoption
would not have been granted but for fraud perpetrated by the petitioner or the petitioner’s spouse, or,
in the case of the adoption of an adult, the adult had no knowledge of the decree within the one-year
I further represent that I understand that if the Court approves this placem ent that m y consent will still be required
before a petition to adopt this child m ay be granted.
I further represent that I understand that under section 3107.084 of the Revised Code:
A consent to adoption is irrevocable and cannot be withdrawn after the entry of an interlocutory order
or after the entry of a final decree of adoption when no interlocutory order has been entered. The
consent of a m inor is not voidable by reason of the m inor’s age.
A consent to adoption m ay be withdrawn prior to the entry of an interlocutory order or prior to the entry
of a final decree of adoption when no interlocutory order has been entered if the court finds after
hearing that the withdrawal is in the best interest of the person to be adopted and the court by order
authorizes the withdrawal of consent. Notice of the hearing shall be given to the petitioner, the person
seeking the withdrawal of consent, and the agency placing the m inor for adoption.
I understand that the effect of the Interlocutory and Final Orders of Adoption is the termination of all legal
relationships betw een myself and this child. The prospective adoptive parents will be established as the legal
parents of this child, have the full and com plete rights to determ ine the values and upbringing of the child,
including but not lim ited to, the choice of religious training, education, and discipline.
My nam e is
My address is
My date of birth is
I execute this W ritten Statem ent in open Court on
(Signature of parent)
, personally appeared and acknowledged the signing of docum ent
to be her voluntary act and deed, having been duly cautioned and sworn.
Notary Public/Judge/Magistrate
American LegalNet, Inc.