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Separation Agreement Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Clermont County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Separation Agreement, DR-105, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Clermont
DR-105 Page 1 of 16 Rev. 4/18 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION CLERMONT COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff/Petitioner (Your Name) Case Number: Street Address City, State and Zip Code vs./and Defendant /Petitioner (Spouse222s Name) Street Address City, State and Zip Code SEPARATION AGREEMENT The parties, Your Name and Spouse222s Name state the following. 1 . The parties were married to one another on (date of marriage) . 2. The parties intend to live s eparate and apart. 3. Each party has made full and complete disclosure to the other of all marital property, separate property, and any other assets, debts, income, and expenses. 4. Neither party has knowledge of any other property and debts of any kind in which either party has an interest. 5. Each party has had the opportunity to value and verify all marital property, separate property, and debts. 6. A party222s willful failure to disclose may result in the Court awarding the other party three times the value of the property, assets, debt, income, or expenses that were not disclosed by the other party. American LegalNet, Inc. DR-105 Page 2 of 16 Rev. 4/18 7. This Agreement addresses spousal support, property, and debt division. 8. This written Agreement is the complete agree ment of the parties. 9. There are no other representations, agreements, statements, or prior writings that have any effect on this Agreement. 10. Each party fully understands the Agreement and has knowingly and voluntarily signed the Agreeme nt. 11. No change to the terms of this Agreement will be valid unless in writing and knowingly and voluntarily signed by both parties. The parties agree as follows: FIRST: SEPARATION The parties will live separate and apart. Neither party wil l interfere with the activities, personal life, or privacy of the other, harass the other, nor engage in any conduct calculated to restrain, embarrass, injure, or hinder the other in any way. SECOND: PROPERTY Marital property as defined in R.C. 310 5.171 is property owned by either or both spouses and property in which either spouse has an interest in the property. Separate property as defined in R.C. 3105.171 is real or personal property that was inherited, acquired by one spouse prior to the dat e of marriage, acquired after a decree of legal separation under R.C. 3107.17, excluded by a valid antenuptial agreement, compensation for personal injury, except for loss of marital earnings and compensation for expenses paid from marital assets, or any gift of property that was given to only one spouse. A. Real Estate (select one): Real estate includes lands, mortgaged properties, buildings, fixtures attached to buildings, attached structures (for example, garage, in - ground pool), condominium s, time shares, mobile homes, natural condition stakes (for example, gas, oil, mineral rights, existing soil, including trees and landscape), and inheritance rights in real estate. The property222s legal description is on the deed or mortgage papers. 1. The parties do not own any real estate. 2. Marital Real Estate The parties own real estate in one or both of their names and agree to award it as follows. A legal description of the property must be attached. ( Attach a copy of the property222s deed or legal description in mortgage papers.) Address of Property Awarded to American LegalNet, Inc. DR-105 Page 3 of 16 Rev. 4/18 3. Each party will pay and hold the other harmless from any debt owing on real estate he/she rece ives unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. 4. Other debt payment arrangements, including refinancing: If the real estate is not in the name of the party to whom it is awarded, the parties must make arrangements t o transfer the property to the proper party as soon as possible. B. Titled Vehicles (select one): Titled vehicles include boats, trailers, automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, mobile homes, golf carts, motor scooters, sport utility vehicles (SUV), recre ational vehicles (RV), all purpose vehicles (APV). Provide vehicle model, make, year, and serial number for all titled vehicle /s that will be transferred. 1. The parties do not own any titled vehicle /s in either party222s name. 2. The titled vehicle /s has/have already been divided or transferred, including all rights, title and interest in the vehicle /s and is/are in the possession of the proper party. The parties are satisfied with the division. 3. The parties own titled vehicle /s which has/have not been divided or transferred. (Y our name) will receive the following vehicle/s, fr ee and clear of any claims from (Spouse222s Name) a nd (Spo use222s Name) will receive the following vehicle/s, free and clear of any claims of (Your Name) 4. Each party will pay for and hold the other harmless from any debt owing on the titled vehicle /s he/she receives unless otherwise stated in th is Agreement. 5. Other debt payment arrangements regarding titled vehicle /s : If the vehicle222s title is not in the name of the party to whom the vehicle is awarded, the current title holder must transfer that title to the proper party as so on as the title is available for transfer. If title cannot be transferred immediately to the party to whom the vehicle is awarded, the party holding the title must make the following arrangements to obtain and pay for license plates, registration, and insurance: American LegalNet, Inc. DR-105 Page 4 of 16 Rev. 4/18 C. Household Goods and Personal Property (select one): Household goods and personal property include s, but is not limited to, appliances, tools, air conditioner window units, doghouses, lawn mowers, riding lawn mowers, above ground po ols, safety deposit boxes, jewelry, furniture , refrigerators, silverware, collections, china, and books. 1. The household goods and personal property are already divided and in the possession of the proper party. The parties are satisfied with the division. 2. The parties have household goods and personal property which have not been divided. (Your Name) will have the following: and (Spouse222s Name) will have the following: 3. D elivery or pick - up of household goods and personal property will be as follows: 4. Each party will pay for and hold the other harmless from any debt owing on the household goods and personal property he/she receives unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. 5. Other debt arrangements regarding household goods and personal property: The parties must make arrangements to transfer possession of the household goods and personal property to the proper party as soon as possibl e. D. Financial Accounts (select one): Financial accounts include checking, savings, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, medical or health savings accounts, education or college saving plans (for example, 529 Plan) and trusts. 1. The parties do not have any financial accounts. 2. The parties have financial accounts and agree the accounts are already divided and in the name of the proper party. The parties are satisfied with the division. 3. The parties have financial accounts which are not divided. American LegalNet, Inc. DR-105 Page 5 of 16 Rev. 4/18 (Your Name) will receive the following: Institution Current Name /s on Account Type of Account checking saving other: checking saving other: checking saving other: (Spouse222s Name) will receive the following: I nstitution Current Name /s on Account Type of Account checking saving other: checking saving other: checking saving other: 4. Each party will pay for and hold the other harmless from any debt owing on the financial accounts he/she receives unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. 5. O ther arrangements regarding financial accounts: The parties must make arrangements to transfer the financial accounts to the proper party as soon as possible. 1. The parties do not have any stocks, bonds, securities, or mutual funds. 2. One or both parties has/have stocks, bonds, securities, or mutual funds which are already divided and in the name of the proper party. The parties are satis fied with the division. 3. One or both parties has/have stocks, bonds, securities, or mutual fun