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Shared Parenting Plan Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Clermont County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Shared Parenting Plan, DR-602, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Clermont
DR-602 Page 1 of 4 Rev. 4/18 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION CLERMONT COUNTY, OHIO Case Number:. Plaintiff/Petitioner Sets Number: vs./and SHARED PARENTING PLAN Defendant/Petitioner The following is a Shared Parenting Plan for the minor child/ren of the parents, namely: DOB DOB DOB DOB The parents agree that it is in the best interest of the minor child/ren for the parents to have shared parenting. Acknowledging that each is a caring and appropriate parent with the ability to provide guidance, concern and proper home life for the minor child/ren, the parents agree as follows: ARTICLE I PARENTING TIME The child/ren will reside with () as follows (be specific): . The child/ren will reside with () as follows (be specific): . Each parent has separate sleeping quarters for the minor child/ren during the time the child/ren reside with him/her. The parent with whom the child/ren is/are not presently residing will be allowed liberal phone contact with the minor child/ren. Parenting time for holidays and vacations will be allocated as follows: as set forth in the Guideline Parenting Schedule attached as Exhibit A; or other (be specific): Should any major differences of opinion regarding the best interest of the child/ren arise, the matters will be resolved through mediation or counseling provided by professional therapists. American LegalNet, Inc. DR-602 Page 2 of 4 Rev. 4/18 ARTICLE II. SCHOOL (Parent) will be the Residential Parent for school purposes; and/or Our school age child/ren will attend school in the school district. ARTICLE III. RELOCATION AND ACCESS TO RECORDS NOTICES RELOCATION NOTICE: Pursuant to R.C. 3109.051(G), the parents are notified as follows: If either parent intends to move to a residence other than the last residence of court record, he/she must file a notice of intent to relocate with the Clerk of Courts. Except as provided in R.C. 3109.051(G)(2), (3) and (4), the Clerk of Courts will mail a copy of the notice to the other parent. On receipt of the notice, this Court, on its own motion or on the motion of the other parent, may schedule a hearing with notice to both parents to determine whether it is in the best interest of the child/ren to revise the parenting schedule. Pursuant to DR 23 neither parent/legal custodian may relocate the child/ren outside of a 75 mile radius of the residence address of the residential parent (sole custody) or the other residential parent (shared parenting) at the time of the last parenting time order without first obtaining a modified parenting time order. The parents may submit a motion and an agreed entry modifying parenting time, with a provision for allocation of transportation expenses, which complies with DR 36, to the Court for adoption by the Court as an order. If the parents are unable to agree, the parent filing the Notice to Relocate must, prior to relocation, 1) file a motion asking the Court to modify the parenting time schedule, 2) set a hearing, and 3) obtain a modified parenting time order. The motion must include the notice of relocation new residence address unless not required under R.C.3109.051(G)(2). Because relocating a child can be harmful to the parent/child relationship, the Court will not continue hearings to address a modification of the parenting schedule due to an imminent relocation except in extreme circumstances. RECORDS ACCESS NOTICE: Pursuant to RC3109.051(H) and 3319.321(B)(5)(a), the parents are notified as follows: Except as specifically modified or otherwise limited by Court order or by law, both parents are entitled to equal access to any record that is related to the child/ren, including school and medical records. Any keeper of a record, public or private who knowingly fails to comply with this order is in contempt of court. DAY CARE CENTER ACCESS NOTICE: Pursuant to RC3109.051(I), the parents are notified as follows: Except as specifically modified or otherwise limited by Court order or by law, both parents are entitled to equal access to any day care center that is or will be attended by the child/ren. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES NOTICE: Pursuant to RC3109.051(J), the parents are notified as follows: Except as specifically modified or otherwise limited by Court order or by law, both parents are entitled to equal access to any student activity that is related to the child/ren. Any school official or employee who knowingly fails to comply with this order, is in contempt of court ARTICLE IV. TRANSPORTATION The parent with whom the child/ren is/are residing will be responsible for transportation of the child/ren for school, recreation, extra-curricular activities, and medical/dental attention. Each parent will provide transportation at the beginning of his/her parenting time. If either parent is unavailable for the pick up or delivery of the child/ren, he/she must use an adult well known to the other parent for this purpose. Any person, including the parents, driving with the child/ren must comply with all child restraint laws. No person transporting the child/ren, including the parents, may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Only licensed, insured drivers may transport the child/ren. ARTICLE V. DISCIPLINE Each parent will be responsible for disciplining the child/ren during the period of time the child/ren is/are in the care of that parent. If any significant discipline problems arise requiring further attention, the parent who was first made aware of the discipline problem must contact the other and discuss the matter in order to agree on the necessary course of action. No disciplinary measure may be taken to override the shared parenting American LegalNet, Inc. DR-602 Page 3 of 4 Rev. 4/18 schedule, so as to deprive the other parent of his/her time with the child/ren, unless both parents agree to alter the schedule in light of the necessary disciplinary measure. The parties shall continue, through the minority of the child/ren, to discuss such matters in an effort to provide a uniform approach to discipline. The parents agree to support and maintain a similar schedule in each household to provide continuity. They agree to communicate about issues including, school issues, dress codes, health, and well-being. They agree to exchange information about the child/ren and provide notices of activities to the other parent either by email, telephone, or through a folder. ARTICLE VI. CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS AND MEDICAL INSURANCE/EXPENSES Child Support: () will pay for child support for the minor child/ren. () will pay for child support for the minor child/ren. The Obligor pays support and the Obligee receives support. is the child support Obligor. is the child support Obligee. If private medical insurance is not accessible and reasonable in cost to cover the minor child/ren, Obligor is required to pay cash medical support to offset the cost to the state for the medical services that are being provided to the children through Medicaid. The amount of cash medical support will be determined at the final hearing and will be included in the Decree. Medical Insurance: (Parent) has private medical insurance that is accessible and reasonable in cost to cover the minor child/ren which insurer is (list insurer222s name and policy/identification numbers): Private medical insurance is not accessible and reasonable in cost to cover the minor child/ren. Payments of uncovered medical expenses: (Parent) will pay percent of any uncovered medical expenses for the minor child/ren. (Parent) will pay percent of any uncovered medical expenses for the minor child/ren. ARTICLE VII. TAX EXEMPTIONS () will be allowed to claim the following child/ren for all tax purposes for even-numbered tax years odd-numbered tax years all eligible tax years, so long as he/she is substantially current in any child support he/she is required to pay as of December 31 of the tax year in question: . () will be allowed to claim the following child/ren for all tax purposes for even-numbered tax years odd-numbered tax years all eligible tax years, so long as he/she is substantially current in any child support he/she is required to pay as of D