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IN THE DELAWARE MUNICIPAL COURT, DELAWARE COUNTY, OHIO 70 North Union Street, Delaware, Ohio 43015 ! Voice: 740.203.1560 ! Facsimile: 740.203.1599 ! * Name of Plaintiff(s) * Street Address * City, State Zip Instructions: Please, type or print. Attach copy of rental agreement, if any, and 3-day notice. Provide a brief description of grounds for eviction in space provided. Complaints that are incomplete, unfounded, or lack required attachments are subject to dismissal. Other proper forms are accepted. This form is not legal advice; for advice you must confer with an attorney. *Line/area must be completed. Plaintiff vs. CASE NO: CVG * Name of Defendant (1) Name of Defendant (2) * Street Address Street Address * City, State Zip Defendant Zip Defendant 1. First Cause of Action: Complaint for Restitution of Premises (Eviction) - Forcible Entry and Detainer. R.C. � 1923.01 A. Defendant(s) is(are) in possession of the premises of which Plaintiff(s) is(are) the landlord(s), located at the [ X ]address shown above [ ] . B. Defendant(s) entered possession of the premises with agreement, or otherwise as tenant(s), of Plaintiff(s). A copy of written lease is is not (*circle one) attached. Defendant(s) unlawfully detain(s) possession as is more fully described below due to (*check at least one) [ ]expiration of term - no agreed term (30-day notice may be required.) [ ]default on rental agreement: * City, State C. [ ]The tenancy was indefinite and periodic (eg., month-to-month) and on , 20 Plaintiff(s) served Defendant(s) a 30-day notice (copy attached) terminating the tenancy. R.C. � 5321.17. (Not required in default-to-pay-rent cases.) D. On * , 20 Plaintiff(s) served Defendant(s) with a notice to vacate the premises pursuant R.C. � 1923.04 (copy attached) at least three days before filing this complaint. E. Request for Service: Serve process at the address shown by ordinary mail and (*check at least one) [ ]personal or residence service, whichever can be accomplished first [ X ]post on door [ ]Certified Mail, issue by ordinary mail if unclaimed or refused. 2. Second Cause of Action: Complaint for M oney Judgment (Optional, additional deposit may be required) Civ Rule 4.1 A. In addition to the above, Defendant(s) owe(s) Plaintiff(s) for unpaid rent $ . Rent is accruing at the rate of $ B. Defendant(s) caused damage / excess wear and tear to the property in the amount of $ for the period of per month . . C. Defendant(s) owe(s) Plaintiff for unpaid utilities and other charges in the amount of $ . D. Request for Service: Serve process at the address shown by (*check at least one) [ ]personal or residence service, whichever can be accomplished first [ X ]Certified Mail - issue by ordinary mail if unclaimed or refused. 3. Demand for Relief: Plaintiff(s) demand(s) judgment for restitution of the premises, and if Section 2 is completed, the full sum of damage and rent arrears detailed above, plus court costs, legal interest, and all other relief that is just and equitable. WebCV Eviction Complaint FITB032013.cmp.wpd 0312131312 � 2011, 2013 K. Pelanda *X Signature of Plaintiff/Attorney Print name of attorney for Plaintiff (if filed by attorney). SCR# * Plaintiff/Attorney Phone Number Attorney Street (if filed by attorney) Plaintiff/Attorney email / facsimile number Attorney City, State ZIP (if filed by attorney) Complaint for Restitution of Premises (Eviction) - Forcible Entry and Detainer. R.C. � 1923.01 American LegalNet, Inc.