Application For Order Sealing Record Of Conviction Or Bail Forfeiture (Pro Se)
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Application For Order Sealing Record Of Conviction Or Bail Forfeiture (Pro Se) Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Franklin County (Court Of Common Pleas).
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Tags: Application For Order Sealing Record Of Conviction Or Bail Forfeiture (Pro Se), Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Franklin
IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO CRIMINAL DIVISION In the Matter of: ______________________________________ Sealing Case No. ________________________________ Criminal Case Number(s): _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Application for Order Sealing Record of Conviction or Bail Forfeiture [R.C. 2953.32(A)] ___________________________________________, applies to the Court for an Order sealing [Name of applicant] all official records of ________________________________ for a ____________________________ [Indicate conviction or bail forfeiture] [Indicate felony or misdemeanor] in criminal Case No. ___________________ Court of Common Pleas, Franklin County, Ohio, as provided in Section 2953.32 of the Ohio Revised Code. Applicant was convicted or forfeited bail on the _____ day of ___________________________, ___________. [month] [year] ____________________________________ Applicant, PRO SE ____________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code Memorandum in Support of Application for Order Sealing Record Applicant is an eligible offender as defined in R.C. 2953.31; and more than three years have passed since applicant's conviction of a felony (more than one year if conviction or bail forfeiture for a misdemeanor). Applicant otherwise satisfies the requirements of R.C. 2953.32 for granting this application. The applicant is not indigent and deposits herewith the sum of fifty dollars, ($50.00 plus a non-refundable e-filing convenience fee when applicable), as set forth in R.C. 2953.32; or applicant claims to be indigent and has attached a Financial Disclosure and Affidavit of Indigency as Exhibit A to this application. ____________________________________ Applicant, PRO SE American LegalNet, Inc. APPLICANT'S FULL NAME: ________________________________________________ SEX: _________________ RACE: _____________ DATE OF BIRTH: ______________ SSN: _________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: _____________________ ZIP: ________ TELEPHONE NO. ________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.