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ORDER OF SALE CASE NO. PLAINTIFF -vs- JUDGE ACTION CODE NO. 6030 DEFENDANT COMPLAINT FILED THE STATE OF OHIO, ) To the Sheriff of said County, Greetings: Franklin County, ss) WHEREAS, at a term of the Court of Common Pleas, held at Columbus, in and for said County on the day of 20 A.D. in this cause it was ordered, adjudged and decreedas follows, to wit: That an order of sale issued to the Sheriff of said County, directing him to and sell as upon execution the following described premises to wit: PARCEL NO. ADDRESS WE THEREFORE COMMAND YOU, That you proceed to carry out said order, judgment and decree into execution agreeable to thetenor thereof, and that you expose to sale the above described Real Estate, under the Statute regulating sales on Execution, and that youapply the proceeds of such sale in satisfaction of said judgment and decree, with cost and interest, as specified therein; and that you makereport of your proceedings herein; to our Court of Common Pleas within sixty days from date hereof, and bring this order with you. AndI certify under seal of this Court that the description of the property herein is correctly copied from the records on file in this office. WITNESS my signature as Clerk of our said Court of Common Pleas, and the seal of said Court at Columbus, this day of 20 A.D. John OGrady,Clerk by Deputy. COC-CV-82 (Rev. 2-2001)