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Subpoena Civil Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Franklin County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Subpoena Civil, COC-DR-79, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Franklin
en-USSHERIFF FEESen-USService en-USMileage en-USCopy en-USTotal en-USRETURN OF SERVICEen-USI received this subpoena on en-US, and served the above named party en-US en-USby en-US on en-USI was unable to complete service for the following reason: en-US. en-USSignature of Serving Partyen-USCheck one: � Deputy Sheriff � Attorney � Process Server � Deputy Clerk en-USCOC-CV-79 (Rev. 6-2016)en-USThe State of Ohio, Franklin County, ssen-USTo: � en-USAttorney � en-USProcess Server en-US � en-USSheriff of en-US County, Ohio Greetings:en-USYOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUBPOENA THE FOLLOWING NAMED PERSON, en-USTo wit:en-US � en-USPerson � en-USBusiness en-USCOURT OF COMMON PLEAS, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIOen-USSubpoena - Civilen-USCase No. en-US (Example: 11CV0142345)en-US � en-USSCPOen-USTo be and appear before the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Franklin, General Division, 345 South High Street, en-US en-USColumbus, Ohio 43215, OR at en-US on the en-US day of en-US 20 en-US, at en-US o'clock en-USm. of said day in courtroom # en-US to: � � ATTEND AND GIVE TESTIMONY AT A TRIAL, HEARING OR DEPOSITION ON THE DATE, TIME AND AT THE PLACE SPECIFIED ABOVE. � en-USen-USATTEND AND PRODUCE DOCUMENTS, ELECTRONICALLY STORED INFORMATION OR TANGIBLE THINGS AT A TRIAL, HEARING OR en-USDEPOSITION ON THE DATE, TIME AND AT THE PLACE SPECIFIED ABOVE. � en-USen-USPRODUCE AND PERMIT INSPECTION AND COPYING, ON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME AND PLACE SPECIFIED ABOVE, OF ANY en-USDESIGNATED DOCUMENTS OR ELECTRONICALLY STORED INFORMATION THAT ARE IN YOUR POSSESSION, CUSTODY OR CONTROL. � en-USen-USPRODUCE AND PERMIT INSPECTION AND COPYING, TESTING OR SAMPLING, ON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME AND PLACE SPECIFIED en-USABOVE, OF ANY TANGIBLE THINGS THAT ARE IN YOUR POSSESSION, CUSTODY OR CONTROL. � en-USen-USPERMIT ENTRY UPON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND OR OTHER PROPERTY, FOR THE PURPOSES DESCRIBED IN CIV. R. 34(A)(3), en-US en-USON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME SPECIFIED ABOVE. en-USDESCRIPTION OF LAND OR OTHER PREMISES: en-USDESCRIPTION OF ITEMS TO BE PRODUCED: en-USLocation en-USPlaintiff/Petitioneren-US-VS/AND en-USDefendant/Petitioner � � � � � � � Last Name / Business Name � Street Address First Name � Middle Int. � Designation � Address Line 2 � � Address Line 3 � � City � State � Zip Code Attorney � Address/Phone # (Required) � Supreme Court # Choose One: � � Plaintiff � Defendant � Other (Specify): en-USWITNESS my hand and seal of said court en-USMaryellen O'Shaughnessy, Clerk of Court of Common Pleasen-USNen-USOTEen-US: Read all information on the second page of this subpoena American LegalNet, Inc. en-USCIVIL RULE 45 (C) PROTECTION OF PERSONS SUBJECT TO SUBPOENAS. 1. � A party or an attorney responsible for the issuance and service of a subpoena shall take reasonable steps to avoid imposing undue en-USburden or expense on a person subject to that subpoena. 2. � (a) A person commanded to produce under divisions (a)(1)(b)(ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) of this rule need not appear in person at the place of en-USproduction or inspection unless commanded to attend and give testimony at a deposition, hearing, or trial. � (b) Subject to division (d)(2) of this rule, a person commanded to produce under divisions (a)(1)(b)(ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) of this rule may, en-USen-USdays after service, serve upon the party or attorney designated in the subpoena written objections to production. If objection is en-USmade, the party serving the subpoena shall not be entitled to production except pursuant to an order of the court by which the en-USsubpoena was issued. If objection has been made, the party serving the subpoena, upon notice to the person commanded to en-USproduce, may move at any time for an order to compel the production. An order to compel production shall protect any person who en-US 3. � On timely motion, the court from which the subpoena was issued shall quash or modify the subpoena, or order appearance or pro en-US-en-US � (a) Fails to allow reasonable time to comply; � (b) � Requires disclosure of privileged or otherwise protected matter and no exception or waiver applies; � (c) � Requires disclosure of a fact known or opinion held by an expert not retained or specially employed by any party in anticipation of en-USen-US-en-USrences in dispute and results from study by that expert that was not made at the request of any party; � (d) � Subjects a person to undue burden. � en-USen-USen-USof undue burden. 5. � If a motion is made under division (c)(3)(c) or (c)(3)(d) of this rule, the court shall quash or modify the subpoena unless the party in en-USwhose behalf the subpoena is issued shows a substantial need for the testimony or material that cannot be otherwise met without en-USundue hardship and assures that the person to whom the subpoena is addressed will be reasonably compensated.en-USCIVIL RULE 45 (D) DUTIES IN RESPONDING TO SUBPOENA. 1. � A person responding to a subpoena to produce documents shall, at the person's option, produce them as they are kept in the usual en-UScourse of business or organized and labeled to correspond with the categories in the subpoena. A person producing documents or en-USelectronically stored information pursuant to a subpoena for them shall permit their inspection and copying by all parties present at en-USthe time and place set in the subpoena for inspection and copying. 2. � If a request does not specify the form or forms for producing electronically stored information, a person responding to a subpoe en-US-en-USna may produce the information in a form or forms in which the information is ordinarily maintained if that form is reasonably useable, en-USor in any form that is reasonably useable. Unless ordered by the court or agreed to by the person subpoenaed, a person responding en-USto a subpoena need not produce the same electronically stored information in more than one form. 3. � A person need not provide discovery of electronically stored information when the production imposes undue burden or expense. On en-USmotion to compel discovery or for a protective order, the person from whom electronically stored information is sought must show en-USthat the information is not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or expense. If a showing of undue burden or expense en-USis made, the court may nonetheless order production of electronically stored information if the requesting party shows good cause. en-USThe court shall consider the factors in civ. R. 26(b)(4) when determining if good cause exists. In ordering production of electronically en-USstored information, the court may specify the format, extent, timing, allocation of expenses and other conditions for the discovery of en-USthe electronically stored information. 4. � When information subject to a subpoena is withheld on a claim that it is privileged or subject to protection as trial preparation mate en-US-en-USrials, the claim shall be made expressly and shall be supported by a description of the nature of the documents, communications, or en-US 5. � If information is produced in response to a subpoena that is subject to a claim of privilege or of protection as trial-preparation materi en-US-en-USen-USen-UScustody or control. A party may not use or disclose the information until the claim is resolved. A receiving party may promptly present en-USthe information to the court under seal for a determination of the claim of privilege or of protection as trial-preparation material. If the en-USen-USthe information must preserve the information until the claim is resolved.en-USCOC-DR-82 (Rev. 9-2018) American LegalNet, Inc.