Application To Admit Foreign Records
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Application To Admit Foreign Records Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Franklin County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Application To Admit Foreign Records, 1.M, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Franklin
FRANKLIN COUNTY FORM EGT-1.M - APPLICATION TO ADMIT FOREIGN RECORDSAPPLICATION TO ADMIT FOREIGN RECORDSOn this day an application to admit for record, copies of the proceedings held in the Court of original jurisdiction were presented to this Court; and it appearing to this Court that the proceedings were had in accordance with the laws of the state of original jurisdiction, and that the above application is complete, it is Ordered that the authenti-cated copies be admitted to record in this Court as provided by law.PROBATE COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIOROBERT G. MONTGOMERY, JUDGEESTATE OF INCOMPETENTGUARDIANSHIP OFTRUST OF , DECEASED CASE NO. PC-EGT-1.M (Rev. 7-2017)Your applicant respectfully represents that the above named-person: died on .Decedent's domicile was Street AddressCity or Village, or Township if unincorporated areaCounty Post OfficeStateZip CodeENTRY ADMITTING FOREIGN RECORDSAttorney for Applicant Typed or Printed Name Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number (include area code)Attorney222s Registration No. Applicant222s Signature Typed or Printed Name Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number (include area code) Robert G. Montgomery Probate Judge was declared incompetentand proceedings were instituted in the Court of County, State of , and that part of the property to which said proceedings relate is situated in this county.Wherefore your applicant presents to this Court a duly authenticated copy of the proceedings held in the Court of original jurisdiction, and asks that the same be admitted to the records of this Court. American LegalNet, Inc.