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Inventory And Appraisal Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Franklin County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Inventory And Appraisal, 6.0, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Franklin
en-USTo the knowledge of the fiduciary the attached schedule of assets in decedent's estate is complete. The fiduciary en-USdetermined the value of those assets whose values were readily ascertainable and which were not appraised by the en-USappraiser, and that such values are correct.en-USThe estate is recapitulated as follows:en-USTangible personal property �. ..............................................................................................en-US$ en-USIntangible personal property �. ............................................................................................ en-US$ en-USReal propertyen-US...................................................................................................................en-USTotalen-US................................................................................................................................en-US$en-US en-USAutomobile values transferred to surviving spouse under R.C. 2106.18:en-US1. $ en-US 3. $ en-US 4. $ en-USTotal value not to exceed $65,000 [or $40,000 for dates of death before April 6, 2017] $ en-USInsofar as it can be ascertained, an Ohio Estate Tax Return en-US will en-US will not be filed. en-US The fiduciary is also the surviving spouse of the decedent and waives notice of the taking of the inventory.en-USINVENTORY AND APPRAISALen-US[R.C. 2115.02 and 2119.09] en-USen-US, DECEASEDen-USCASE NO. en-USFiduciary en-USAttorneyen-USAttorney222s Registration No. American LegalNet en-USThe undersigned surviving spouse hereby waives notice of the time and place of taking the inventory of decedent's en-USestate.en-USWAIVER OF NOTICE OF TAKING OF INVENTORYen-US[R.C. 2115.04] en-USSurviving Spouseen-USThe undersigned, who are interested in the estate, waive notice of the hearing on the inventory.en-USWAIVER OF NOTICE OF HEARING ON INVENTORYen-US[Use when notice is required by the Court or deemed necessary by the fiduciary]en-USENTRY SETTING HEARINGen-USThe Court sets en-US at en-US o'clock en-US .M., as the date en-USand time for hearing the inventory of decedent's estate.en-USCASE NO. � � � � � � � en-US � � en-USRobert G. Montgomery � en-USProbate Judgeen-USDate:en-US en-USThe undersigned appraiser agrees to act as appraiser of decedent's estate and to appraise the property exhibited truly, en-UShonestly, impartially, and to the best of the appraiser's knowledge and ability. The appraiser further says that those asen-US-en-USsets whose values were not readily ascertainable are indicated on the attached schedule by a check in the "Appraised" en-UScolumn opposite each such item, and that such values are correct.en-USAPPRAISER'S CERTIFICATEen-USFRANKLIN COUNTY FORM E-6.0 - INVENTORY AND APPRAISALen-US(PAGE 2) American LegalNet, Inc.