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Homestead Exemption Application For Senior Citizens Disabled Persons And Surviving Spouses Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Geauga County (Court Of Common Pleas).
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Tags: Homestead Exemption Application For Senior Citizens Disabled Persons And Surviving Spouses, DTE 105A, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Geauga
Office Phone:
Tracy A. Jemison, AAS
Geauga County Auditor
231 Main Street, Suite 1A
Chardon OH 44024
Ext. 1600
DTE 105A
Rev. 10/07
Homestead Exemption Application for Senior Citizens,
Disabled Persons and Surviving Spouses
File with the county auditor after the first Monday in January and on or before the first Monday in June.
Please read the instructions on the back of this
Taxing district and parcel or registration number
form before you complete it. Disabled applicants
must complete form DTE 105E, Certificate of
Disability for the Homestead Exemption, and attach First year for homestead exemption
it or a separate certification of disability status from Auditor's application number
an eligible state or federal agency to this applicaGranted
tion. See the instructions for a Late Application on
the back of this form.
Current application
Late application for prior year
Type of application:
Type of home:
Senior citizen (age 65 and older)
Single family dwelling
Unit in a housing cooperative
Disabled person
Unit in a multi-unit dwelling
Manufactured or mobile home
Surviving spouse
Land under a manufactured or mobile home
Applicant's name
Applicant's date of birth
Name of spouse
Spouse's date of birth
Home address
County in which home is located
Taxing district and parcel or registration number
from tax bill or available from county auditor
In order to be eligible for the homestead exemption, one of the following statements must apply to the applicant's interest in
the property. Property that is owned by a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity does not
qualify forthe exemption. Check the box that applies to this property. The applicant is:
the settlor under a revocable, inter vivos trust, where the
an individual named on the deed
applicant has complete control of the assets in the trust.
a purchaser under a land installment contract
a stockholder in a qualified housing cooperative. See DTE
105A/Supplemental for additional information.
a life tenant under a life estate
a mortgagor (borrower) for an outstanding
If the applicant or the applicant's spouse owns a second or vacation home, please provide the address and county below.
ZIP code
I declare under penalty of perjury that (1) I occupied this property as my principal place of residence on Jan. 1 of the year(s) for
which I am requesting the homestead exemption, (2) I currently occupy this property as my principal place of residence, 3) I
did not acquire this homestead from a relative or in-law, other than my spouse, for the purpose of qualifying for the homestead
exemption, and (4) I have examined this application, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, this application is true,
correct and complete.
Signature of applicant
Mailing address
Phone number
E-mail address
American LegalNet, Inc.
DTE 105A
Rev. 10/07
Please read before you complete the application.
What is the Homestead Exemption? The homestead exemption provides a reduction in property taxes to any senior
or disabled citizen, regardless of income, on the dwelling that
is that individual's principal place of residence and up to one
acre of land of which an eligible individual is an owner. The
reduction is equal to the taxes that would otherwise be charged
on up to $25,000 of the market value of an eligible taxpayer's
application. A person only has one principal place of residence; your principal place of residence determines, among
other things, where you are registered to vote and where you
declare residency for income tax purposes. You may be required to present evidence of age. If the property is being
purchased under a land contract, is owned by a life estate or
by a trust, or the applicant is the mortgagor of the property,
you may be required to provide copies of any contracts, trust
agreements, mortgages or other documents that identify the
What Your Signature Means: By signing the front of this applicant's eligible ownership interest in the home.
form, you affirm under penalty of perjury that your statements
on the form are true, accurate, and complete to the best of Current Application: If you qualify for the homestead exyour knowledge and belief. A conviction of willfully falsifying emption for the first time this year (for real property) or for the
information on this application will result in the loss of the first time next year (for manufactured or mobile homes), check
the box for Current Application on the front of this form.
homestead exemption for a period of three years.
Qualifications for the Homestead Exemption for Real Late Application: If you also qualified for the homestead
Property: To receive the homestead exemption you must be exemption for last year (for real property) or for this year (for
(1) at least 65 years of age during the year you first file, or be manufactured or mobile homes) on the same property for
determined to have been permanently and totally disabled which you are filing a current application, but you did not file
(see definition at right), or be a surviving spouse (see defini- a current application for that year, you may file a late application at right), and (2) own and have occupied your home as tion for the missed year by checking the late application box
your principal place of residence on Jan. 1 of the year in on the front of this form. You may only file a late application
which you file the application. A person only has one principal for the same property for which you are filing a current appliplace of residence; your principal place of residence deter- cation.
mines, among other things, where you are registered to vote
and where you declare residency for income tax purposes. Definition of a Surviving Spouse: An eligible surviving
You may be required to present evidence of age. If the prop- spouse must (1) be the surviving spouse of a person who was
erty is being purchased under a land contract, is owned by a receiving the homestead exemption by reason of age or dislife estate or by a trust, or the applicant is the mortgagor of ability for the year in which the death occurred, and (2) must
the property, you may be required to provide copies of any have been at least 59 years old on the date of the decedent's
contracts, trust agreements, mortgages or other documents death.
that identify the applicant's eligible ownership interest in the
Permanent Disability: Permanent and totally disabled
means a person who has, on the first day of January of the
Qualifications for the Homestead Exemption for Manu- year for which the homestead exemption is requested, some
factured or Mobile Homes: To receive the homestead ex- impairment of body or mind that makes him/her unfit to work
emption you must be (1) at least 65 years of age during the at any substantially remunerative employment which he/she
year following the year in which you first file, or be determined is reasonably able to perform and which will, with reasonable
to be permanently and totally disabled (see definition at right), probability, continue for an indefinite period of at least twelve
or be a surviving spouse (see definition at right), and (2) own months without any present indication of recovery, or who
and occupy your home as your principal place of residence has been certified as totally and permanently disabled by an
on Jan. 1 of the year following the year in which you file the
eligible state or federal agency.
Date filed
Name on tax duplicate
Taxable value of homestead: Taxable
Taxable bldg.
Taxable total
American LegalNet, Inc.